Texture Question

I bought a section of Neighborhood Block from Collective 3d a while back and I am finally using it but I don't fully understand this aspect. It states this.
Textures Include:

  • 341 Texture, Bump, Normal, and Specular Maps (450 x 450 to 4096 x 4096)
  • Does this mean it has a base and high resolution? If so how do I access the 4096 x4096. If not could someone please explain this to me?


  • Is this too basic a question?

  • It probably means that the textures vary in size - some (perhaps the leaf maps, or tiling textures for things like concrete) are small (down to 450 pixels square) while others, where more detail over a wider area is requireed, are larger (up to 4,096 pixels square).

  • Makes total sense. Thanks again Richard, it's terrible not understanding a thing, like an itch you just cannot reach.

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