Hints for New Users.

Greetings, and a warm welcome to chohole and all other new users :)
Well, I had a few mins, so I thought I would share some hints for working in Carrara.
These hints would have saved me a lot of time if I had known them initially.
1) when you load carrara (if you have a lot of content) don't let it search for your runtimes, add the folders manually :)
2) Next Edit your Preferences, especially the views shortcuts. Assign Left Right Top Bottom to the numerical pad's appropriate arrows. Assign number 3 (page down) to Director's Camera. This will be one of your most used keys.
3) when you drop an object into the assembly room and can't find it, look for it in the instances tab (the list over on the bottom right).
Click the object to select it. Then hit the zero button, and your view will zoom in on the object.
4) On the top left of the assembly room window you will see "Camera 1".
This means you are looking through Camera 1. This is bad because if you change your viewpoint then it will get added to the UNDO list. It will also animate the camera if you are doing an animation. So click on where it says Camera 1 and you will get a drop down list. Select Director's Camera. Always do your posing etc while in Director's Camera. It will make life easier for you. Especially if you have assigned Director's Camera to Button 3.
5) To pan sideways hold down the tab key and the left mouse key.
6) To orbit your selected object hold down the "alt" key and use the left mouse key to pan around that object.
7) To select an object when there are several objects overlapping right click in the area and you will get a drop down list of objects in that area to select.
8) the ALIGN OBJECTS shortcut is one you will use often as well. First select the object you want to align to, then shift select the next so they are both selected. Click Ctrl>K this will bring up a window with alignment parameters. Click x,y and z. This will align the hot points.
9) Hotpoints. The hotpoint of an object is what it will rotate around. Usually you want it in the centre. However a lot of meshes and CLOUDS come in with the hot point decentred.
To fix a hotpoint in Car 8.1 look at the top right of your window. Hit the tab that says "Motion". Then you will find a window that has lots of numbers. There will be two buttons that say (from memory) object to hotpoint , or hotpoint to object. Click on the one you want.
10) To change the hot point of an object manually use caps lock and drag the arrows.
11) Instead of using Carrara's fog use Clouds.
12) If you plan to use Carrara seriously grab Fenric's plugin for keyboard shortcuts for travelling down the instances list. You will love it.
13) Fenric's other Plugin that you really should get is Shader Doctor. Shader Doctor allows you to reset POSER shaders en masse on a figure so that their highlights aren't blown out. Otherwise on eg Stonemasons Emerald Forest you will be there all day and still miss some shaders.
14) Carrara comes with standard ambient light at 20 percent. Get rid of it or your renders will be washed out.
feel welcome to add to this list if you like.
New in Carrara 8.5:
If you're looking for the "Zero Figure" button, it's been moved to the "Animation" menu item drop down and has been enhanced with a bazillion other features related to that, like memorize and recall... etc.,
I Love the new Carrara!!!
Don't forget to check the new Parameters tab. Amazing how many times you'll find that a model has quick pose settings.
Also, if you feel like loosing yourself for a few hours looking around at all things Carrara, ►►► Carrara Information Manual ◄◄◄ has a wealth of topics to digest - much will be getting updated, now that 8.5 is not beta anymore! (Yaaaaaaay!!!!)
In there, my Carrara Walkthrough is intended to grow as I can get the time. That time of year is coming soon... But it currently has some helpful tips as well.
Hey Head Wax, Thanks for starting this! :) Every time you do... I still learn something new! :)
we need an "Ask The Dartanbeck" thread. :)
You have to promise to be on call 24 hours a day :)O
You can also find links to free plugins on darts site
Aloso diomedes brilliant https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/45254/learning-tips-and-tricks-from-prior-carrara-challenge-wip-threads/p1
Well... I do have This
I'm not around 24/7, but I do try to get back to folks fairly soon ;)
I Love that thread!!! I learn new tricks from it all the time!!!
HW, thanks for bumping this. I may not use your suggestions (have gotten used to doing stuff manually) but at least I know that other ways are available.
I also need to rewatch Phil's basic course. It is surprising how functional you can become in Carrara without knowing anything. :)
Hint 1: Ignore Storyboard room, nothing to see there...
Hint 2: Realistic Sky fog/haze works best in Large Scenes, Depth of field works best in Small Scenes.
Hint 3: For ease of pointing lights, add a Target Helper Object and add the Point At modifier to the light and have it point at the Target, then just move the Target around to redirect the light.
For true beginners, see here for a first scene walk through.
Rest of thread has potentially helpful stuff on a haphazard basis.
pleasure , yes i learnt something in the first 10 mins from phils course!
Thanks mschack and Ted !