Free - Kitty Kat Kitler Katerpillar Kannon

mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248
edited December 1969 in Freebies

As we all know, it's our masters, the almighty pussy cats, which really drives the internet.

To avoid the displeasure of a hard feline stare, we homage and respect them with offerings as memes and LOLCats. Though to really gain approval nothing beats the Kitler.

Which for those heathens untrained in The Way Of Cat, is a cat with a moustache in the style of a miserable human called Mr Hitler. Cats love Kitlers as it gives them a even more superior air than usual and confirms their control over the humble humans.

Sadly not all our masters can be blessed with such glorious facial adornments. Which forces the feeble human to resort to dastardly tricks such as digital imaging, which you'll know if you've tried to photoshop a cat, doesn't usually work very well. Though science is working on ways for shredded human skin to be stuck back to bone.

Moreso when it's 2am, you want to go to bed and your cat is just visible at the end of the garden.
So I'm pleased to announce the tall can openers have now created a solution to this problem....

600 x 1340 - 159K


  • DorseylandDorseyland Posts: 724
    edited December 1969

    Well, I suppose it comes as no surprise, really, but the Spark Guy has finally gone completely insane. This time he's lost me utterly. I have no idea what this device is for.

    Unless of course he's still sane and merely making fun of my cat Haffa Hitler, pictured here with his flufftenant, Heinrich Gobbles.

    1056 x 1016 - 260K
  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,656
    edited August 2013

    Now I know why you really want three years. You are over here playing with the cats and Mr. Sparky. %-P

    Very interesting Mr Sparky. Quite a tongue twister I say.

    Post edited by DollyGirl on
  • mrsparkymrsparky Posts: 248
    edited December 1969

    Well, I suppose it comes as no surprise, really, but the Spark Guy has finally gone completely insane.
    Theres no finally - I just escape at the weekends:)

    Especially to see photos like that,. as we also have a a B&W and a Ginga. Though as the B&W is the alpha male, poor old Ginge usually ends up on the receiving end of an unwanted pouncing!

    Dollygirl - yea that one was fun to figure out :)

  • SpitSpit Posts: 2,342
    edited December 1969

    A caterpillar catapult, er, caterpillarpult, er

    Love it!

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