Novica & Serene Night’s Renders, Tips, Tutorials & Product Reviews PART 2
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Today’s Review is:
DA Glowing Eyes
By Design Anvil
Backgrounds used:
Killzones: The Alleyway
i13 Late Nights at the Bunker by IronMan3
Designfera Cyber (backdrop)
Hmm, I'm liking this nifty product by Design Anvil! It contains many easy to use eye preset textures that can apply to human and animal figures without much difficulty. There are a number of colors, shades and intensities. I think my favorites are the medium ones but this pack includes iris shaders and overall eye-orb shaders, so you can make the iris’s glow or go for the full ‘inner-light’ eyebulb effect, or mix-n-match.
The product renders well on most figures, but the readme indicates there are some textures which could be problematic. I did encounter this when I tried to use the textures on the Medolian (Alien) texture.. Even with the equalise option provided, it rendered oddly. That was the only texture so far, that I had trouble with, so doesn’t look by any means the norm, just something to be aware of.
The glowing eyes look great, especially under certain lights, and they lend themselves well to post-work effects, such as using Ron’s Sci-fi flares.
The set has several adjustment features, including the options to hide the eyelashes (which can sometimes look odd with the full-glowing eye effect). I even tested it under a helmet, and it was quite interesting to see the eyes glowing from beneath the visor. I have to find another helmet though. That one didn't look so good.
I would wholeheartedly recommend this pack. I love it. It renders quickly, looks nice, and is simple to use and apply.
1. Basic female figure with glowing eyes, set medium.
2. Male figure with glowing eyes set medium.
3. Ghost/spirit kitties in alleyway with glowing eyes.... Hey has anyone seen millennium cat? ! Methinks, the vengeful cat spirit is angry about something...
How clever with a lost cat poster in the background! I like the reflection on the cheek from the eyes, you can see it best in the second render. Did you use a point light or was that a direct result of the product?
I've been playing with Reinterject . I haven't had much luck with getting good results from the skin presets, but the eyes look pretty good. I also tried applying the skin presets to just the teeth.
Edited to add: This is just the Bree skin texture without the Reinterject. Reinterject was applied only to eyes and teeth.
Edit 2: Image updated to fix eyelash shadow bias issue.
That was the eyes. They look best in certain types of lighting. Not sure which makes them pop best yet though Perhaps more shadows/uber area lighting. Did not use that in the cat render. There are also different intensities. I used the eyes in the previous version of the superhero as well.
Yeah, had to do the missing cat poster, since the vengeful cat diety was on the prowl seeking the bad guy who has been making them disappear. There was originally going to be an old man with a cat in the scene, but didn't do it.
I might re-render the cats with different lighting to see if they glow more. It'll take a while though. Perhaps tomorrow.
Good work. Very realistic! =-)
Novica's #1 For 2013
Without a doubt my top pick is:
Nova For Victoria 6
Vendor: Artemis3D
I will emphatically state it has nothing to do with the name coincidence (of my horse and my forum name) and I almost didn't list it because of the perceived bias- but that wouldn't be fair to the vendor. SereneNight can attest that I was delighted when I bought this- she bought it and joined the Nova For V6 fan club. This really needs to make it into your wishlist. My top kudos goes to this product.
Here's what makes this product a MUST HAVE IMO:
1. the skin materials- lights beautifully under all types of lighting
2. THE DIMPLES- need I say more? Except finding a character with dimples is not that common. Vendors, take note :)
The basis of my Seymour character (move over Cameron Diaz).
Below, shown with showcasing Angkor Wat and Mage Tower 2. Wearing Yunko Hair. Keep in mind the compositions showing the other products are not going to be a typical render (with DOF and cropped- we try to show more of the background than a typical render would.)
Good work. Very realistic! =-)
Thanks. I thought she looked pretty good, but now I see a little discontinuity around the eyelash shadows. I need to lower the shadow bias on my distant light and rerender.
Olympia just came out. Site has not updated Snowball savings yet, but rotating banner has changed and new stores on are sale.
EDIT: Wish they'd get the darned date/time stamp for the posts fixed. It's 1:05am here not 2am. Site changes over at 1:13am usually, so keep that in mind when you are shopping or posting. You may bungle a sale if checking out.
I had a suspicion that a major release would come in December, even though I personally think it's too soon. Shopping for others this time of year will drain folks, I think it should have been spaced out a bit more.
Look, Artemis3D is in the rotating banner. Than means your favorite Nova will be on sale once it starts working.
Does the Nova skin use AoA SSS or something else?
How do I tell? Remember, you and SereneNight often talk over my head. Where do I go to see that?
It is in the rotating banner at the top of the Shop.
Oh, maybe you were talking about my AoA SSS question. Select V6 with the Nova skin. Then go to the Surfaces tab. Select Victoria 6 and Skin. Look to see what shader is applied.
LOL, you and Jaderail are on a roll. (To others who aren't over in the RRRR thread where Barbult and I are, Jaderail explained what a bundle was to me! We had a good laugh. He's trying to keep up with so many threads. As I have "a few" products, I know what a bundle is!) And know where the banners are, lol. I only use the New Releases as it's so darned impossible to find things on this site without going there. The New Promotions often does not have the coupon codes, but New Releases always does.
I'll check that out regarding Nova and get back to you in a bit. :)
I plopped the skin materials onto Gia just to see what it looked like (instead of Victoria 6 in general) and wow, really like her.
Okay, the UV set is just base female. I knew where to see the UV set, just wasn't sure if that was what we were referring to- I haven't delved into shaders that much or the SSS.
This is always my favourite thread to catch up with in the mornings, see what you've all been discussing and admire those renders. It's a daily treat! Thanks so much Novica and SereneNight for hosting it, and everyone else for joining in. I'm sure there are many who read and gain from it without posting, I know I was one of them for a while and even now read a lot more than I post.
LOL, took you a while to notice the signature, Novica! :) I agree would be better if there was a drop down to Art Studio, but then we hear we are moving to new forum software s**n so who knows what that will bring.
Also we are almost at the end of the 100 pages for this thread!
Trouble with voting is you can't vote for everyone, but everyone always puts in so much work. I'm always amazed by what Luci does, for example. I too loved the cherry tree chronicles by Barbult, and Gunner with his fishing adventures,and... well there was a whole lot going on and it was a great thread to browse through.
Without giving too much away, even if the Luci render I voted for wasn't in the final awards, others that I did vote for were and I wish you all congratulations. :) (RRRR has become my second favourite thread.)
Will post my top 10 after I've done some work, I'm late getting started today... Love the glowing eyes, SN, I don't have the product but thought it was a good idea, something a lot of people could use. I especially like the cats. I agree, your render looks very realistic to me too Barbult.
OK, back in a while....
EDIT: Trouble with trying to catch up in a single post is that you always miss something... but how could I have missed Seymour? That third render is especially lovely, she suits that outfit and that environment very well.
Good morning! 7:10am here. I'm still "off schedule" because of blanketing and unblanketing horses. Have to head out in 2 hours to pull them off.
Fortunately, it's 1500 posts, not 100 pages. I will be setting up the other one shortly (same reason I didn't have Jaderail do it before, I want the first post.) It 'won't be active for a bit, but I am diving in to organize the product reviews/update some more of it.
You have 2 pages in which to do it. Be aware that as soon as you start the new thread we will close the old one. Normally the first post on page 101 is the trigger. This is actually post 1501, so you have 42 posts to go before the new thread needs putting up.
Edited to clarify. The first post on Page 101 is the trigger, this is post number 1501
You lost me, gal. How was that post 1502? The rest of it, I get. And good morning!
So many new shinies!
Help, I’m bleeding money…. :ahhh:
I do have to say that even though she seems geared for fantasy art, they put some hairstyles in the pro bundle that were pretty "tame" compared to what I was expecting (and that's a good thing.) Jewell and Thalia Hair I can use, the Persephone Hair seems a bit thin in the strands but I'll see after I test it. I already have tons of long hair (Catwalk, etc). I like the Winston Dress and the poses are always good for starting points or actual use. So a variety, which is nice. People are going to love the stuff or complain, everyone won't always be happy. I'm happy with it due to the snowball discounts stacking with it.
Headed out to unblanket the horses. If anyone renders some of these, feel free to share. When I get back I have to get some sleep. (Been up since 9pm last night, I'm on a different schedule.)
I'm going to be one of THOSE people and complain. =-) Clothing is skimp wear for the most part and unusable to me =-) As she is billed as a sci-fi and fantasy character, all I see is one dress and some loincloths. Nothing sci-fi, unless you want to put a jungle babe on your alien world.
Skins are all light skinned, for the most part.
I'll probably pick up the base figure, and a few hairs. Just don't need barbarian/loincloth wear, or the dress.
I can see your complaint though- if she were billed as sci-fi, I would be "Huh?" When I was skimming posts, I only remembered barbarian/fantasy. I'm also more into kit bashing so I see pieces of clothing for layering with the supersuits, etc. There's nothing sci fi in these that I can see. And yep, another bundle without a significant ethnic group. Good point! I wouldn't pay the $60ish for the pro bundle if sci fi was my area of interest. Wouldn't it be cool to have a new character geared only for that?!
Bye! Headed out the door.
I think in the initial forum thread she was billed as being useful for sci-fi, however, that copy has been dropped for the character.
To me, we already have Gia who was also a warrior princess and sword swinging lady. I just like a bit of variety. I bought the character ala carte, a hair, a pose and a skin, which cost me about the same as the starter bundle minus the skimpwear.
Nope - I was wrong. She is too new and is not included in the sale.
I had a need for a loincloth in my latest render. I have a feeling you might agree with me on this one. :)
you know I like your work Tjohn. You are a true artist. =-)
Oh my goodness, a rather substantial loincloth.
Jaderail- thanks for explaining.
Those clowns look great!
I hope the clown in the lower picture didn't have a curry before assuming that position. If he did, the old boy on the box is gonna get it!