Novica & Serene Night’s Renders, Tips, Tutorials & Product Reviews PART 2
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Sorry. Haven't posted anything for a while but daz 4.6 has started being a pain in the neck with certain files I need for a project. Frustrating. To make matters worse even though I backed up my user data when I reimported it, the software hangs and my categories are only partially populated. I've done everything I can do to backup my stuff.. I have one stored on an external drive and will try that next. But shouldn't have to. I backed up everything initially.
I'm seriously considering going back to my 4.5 version. Newbies- when a new version comes out, make a copy of all the files from the existing version and put on a hard drive so you have the choice of going back. (That means grabbing from your Program Files, etc.) Once a version is gone, it is not in your Product Library anymore.
I just filed support tickets to return a bunch of stuff I haven't used- one of the reasons is my Categories won't stick, and if I can't find things to use quickly without guessing where all this stuff is, it's not enjoyable. So all these glitches end up hurting the vendors. I was smart enough NOT to put a lot of time into the categories, because when I saw them going POOF when I opened and shut off the computer (and yes, constantly turning on the CMS) I thought "This is not good." So did two days worth (off and on) then watched to see what would happen.
I am picking up Khory's candles that you pointed out :)
Did a Tiki render, coming up.
Tiki Island
Price is right, Tiki Island for PC members is $2.99 and a steal. The ivy looks good, the wood on the TIki statues is extremely nice, the sunset is good, and the lights are good. I added mine to them. However, you get a couple different choices. They are UE2 (UberEnvironment2 so they include specular to offset the dulling effect, be sure and keep those.)
Note: to tie in the mystical quality of the Tiki, note it has bluish gray outlines. Look on Cassini and see where there is a bluish gray glow. Her hand and face have that same glow as they are close to the statue.
And I've wishlisted this- what a fun combination these two sets would be for an outdoor restaurant scene.
A large render coming with depth of field.
PAFEST-10 is the latest code- spend $40 though to get that $10 off.
I'm proud of myself, I'm only spending $9.95 to get those candle lights and Dark Corrosion Shaders ($1.99) But I didn't want people who might be checking out to miss that promo. (Again, I always check the New Releases page, that banner always has the codes.)
Thanks for pointing out the coupon, I had 42.00 in my cart, including Khorys candles too. Just and FYI, my categories are still there so far, I am only into the C's on the product list so far, but I still have lots to categorize, I have 1153 items installed, and another 172 waiting to be d/l and installed, I think I have lost my
What outfit is that Cassini is wearing ?
Have either of you tried the Epic SciFi product in fastgrab?
Cool spot. I haven't looked at fastgrab lately. It has been all the same Thanks for posting that Anikad.
Lots of interesting things for sale today!
I like gunfight poses, Sun hall and V6 timeless!
Glad everyone picked up the candle set. That's a good set.
Plus, you can put the candles on a cake from the Eatme set and make birthday cake
I like this Novica. Good work on that..
I think you reviewed Stalker Girl Hair awhile back. I discovered that the hair cap by itself makes a good thinning hairdo for men.
Elven Warrior For Genesis (pants and boots)
Hi Kharma, sorry, I normally note the outfits!
I don't have much luck honestly with the Elven Warrior overcoat- I did have just the top underneath it, but I wanted something a bit more sci-fi because SereneNight is an awful influence on me...(let's see how long it takes my buddy to pounce on me, lol. She is a very GOOD influence.) Anyway, so she is in the Elven Warrior pants and boots, and you can try the arm bracers (not shown) on top of long sleeved tunics and it looks good too- I just didn't have time to tweak (had a car in the shop, the generator dude outside fixing that, a doctor's appointment...all at once! So I had to start the render and leave.)
I would recommend changing the boot laces to something more woodsy, the orangish doesn't really appeal to me.
GIS For Genesis Male
The shirt is labeled for the guys, don't know why. It's my first time using it and I really like it- on my FEMALE.
Love this sky, you can rotate it around and get that glowing part wherever you want it.
EDIT: You can click to enlarge and click again to get great closeup views. And no, her thumb is NOT going through the tiki, there is a raised surface there. Her thumb is behind it. :)
No, I haven't done Bryce yet. Thanks for pointing it out for those who do. I keep forgetting about Fast Grab too, with the other sale going on. Wonder what else I've missed, lol!
Barbult- that looks good for thinning hair! I had to laugh, remember when I tried the edge interpolation and made the V5 ponytail disappear into lah-lah land as a skull cap?! Wonder which looks better, a screwed up V5 ponytail, or the Stalker Girl skullcap? Like your character- hate to mess with him!
That looks good barbult! That hair also looks good under a hood.
The lighting on the Tiki scene-
distant light 55% and peach, that one is out in front and from the top. Shadow softness 44%
UE2 is 49% intensity, 56.7% intensity scale, white light, occlusion (soft shadows) with saturation, occlusion, etc 100%. I tweaked the intensity and the intensity scale, that is not the default for the Tiki Lights.
The right distant light is peach and only 22% (again, I tweaked)
There is a point light overhead at 120% that is an strong orangish peach
I added two spot lights, one at 122% and medium light blue (go above and put that where you see her upraised arm, shoulder, top of hair)
THE IMPORTANT SPOTLIGHT- 26.5% and a light blue- on her cheek! Shadow softness on both those spotlights should be 45% up. EDIT: Notice how I got BOTH hands with that one spotlight- and it doesn't hit the tiki. Just swing around and shoot UP but move so there is nothing in your background (if possible.) At only 26% you add a fill light to the cheek (closest to us) without it being glaringly obvious, if you have your rim land in the hair and NOT on skin.
That looks good barbult! That hair also looks good under a hood.
Oh! Good idea about the hood. Hair under a hood is tough to do. I tried it with a hat, but didn't even think about the hood. I'll try that too.
Oh! Good idea about the hood. Hair under a hood is tough to do. I tried it with a hat, but didn't even think about the hood. I'll try that too.
Ooh. That's a great render! Yes finding hair for hats or hoods can be tough. Lots of character in that guy! Very Victorian looking.
I like the sci-fi twist! Nice. See, I'll win you over to the sci-fi side yet!
Looks very good. And as usual impressed with your lighting. I don't like to do lighting. I hate aiming the little lights and adjusting them. I'm impressed with how you fine tune your lights to show on certain body parts! Good wrok.
Want to see the latest? I went into my Content Library, everything fine, then went into Scene tab, worked on some lights, back to Content Library, and look at this mess.
That is a suspected Video card Issue, but has not been confirmed yet. And happens more when Categories are outside Default than Inside Default. I build mine inside Default. You can DELETE any in Default you do not need or like.
I had it happen once. But starting Over inside Default seems to have worked so far.
Today's review is:
Scifi Melee Weapons by Daz 3d and Valandar
Okay, I admit it. I like this set because of the Beam Glaive which is very awesome (#4 in pic 1), in fact, judging by how many times I've seen it used in Sci-fi renders, I can tell it a favorite of other artists as well)... Very awesome! More please, but please with genesis fits and some options! However, this is a set of four. Electro Blade, Chain Gauntlet, Jet Hammer and Beam Glaive.
The set is smart propped for M4, so for v5, here I actually had to do a lot of adjustment, including reducing the polearm's overall size.. I prefer it a bit less bulky, otherwise the pole looks as thick as a stop sign pole and unwieldy. If you want poses, there are several pose sets for pole arms that might work, like Spears of Destiny, or Hammer to Fall , or Muscleman's Lancier.
I admit that as much as I love the Beam Glaive, the other weapons aren't as much to my taste. As I was fitting the Chain Gauntlet to V5 I kept thinking she needs something to cover her hand or er.. .Her fingers aren't going to last very long.
I haven't rendered the Hammer yet, but will when I get the time.
Overall, worth buying in my opinion, if just for the Glaive but prepare to do some tweaking if you aren't using M4. Would love an expansion!
1. All the weapons on the table in the bot shop. Lights are Garbage Pile Daytime. (What would I do without 'em).
2. Beam Glaive
3. Chain Gauntlet
4. Electro sword.
What is it doing? I admit it, I'm not clear what I'm seeing.
Thanks, I think he came out great, too. I like the Victorian comment. I hadn't thought of that. I'll keep that in mind in case I do a Victorian themed render. I'll dig this guy back up then.
What is it doing? I admit it, I'm not clear what I'm seeing.
A-B-C-D-E-F-G.......not. My letters are all helter skelter. I had put some outside of default, as Jaderail said. Thanks Jaderail.
Interesting. Strange they let you file outside of default when it doesn't work right.
Today's review is Let it Snow Shaders
By Draagonstorm
This is great and quite useful little set of shading tools to snow up a props and models in your scene. It includes a shader and a haze camera which allows you to add a nice wintry fog to any scene. The shader is very easy to apply. Like most shaders, you simply select surface area you want to 'snow up' and select the snow amount. The snow will then apply. Voila! It is quick and easy.
Here I snowed up some of Lisa's dead bushes and Rocky flats. It made an excellent hunting ground for this quick render of a mountain lion.
1. Mountain lion on snowy flats- more snow, no haze, snowed up bushes.
2. Mountain lion on snowy flats-with haze camera. slightly less snow. snowy bushes
The Freak 4 Pro bundle
is on sale in the buy 3, get a gen 4 pro bundle and has 4 men's outfits, some of which are great for kitbashing with genesis. I particularly like the Mafioso coat and pants, (the shirt didn't fit well on genesis for me around the collar nor did the shoes), and the Spartan Outfit looks great as well.
I found the Mafiosa coat layers nicely over the M5 casual Male shirt and the cane included is pretty neat!
I had time to render some of these outfits last night.
1. Mafioso coat and pants (sorry, not the original shirt and shoes, they didn't look so good), and cane. I used the M5 casual wear shirt and shoes.
2. Spartan warrior
3. Barbarian King (problems with those boots leaving a string in between and some issues with the cape (for me).
4. M4 casual wear.
Lights used here are all the Jason light sets with the rim light tweaked between default aqua, lt yellow, and lt gray.
Those are quite different than your sci-fi- Sarge must be jealous. I know why you like that lightset, it gives a good balance of light but easy to add other lights to it too.
I'm not doing any rendering as I'm out pressure washing our drive, house, sidewalks, etc- spent 9 hours yesterday and not even halfway done. Haven't done it in years. Not in the mood to piddle with DAZ- and I took out all the stuff that wasn't in Default and that alphabetical list is still screwed up, so I may have to reinstall AGAIN. Not loving DAZ Studio and don't need the stress- a lot going on this week, but I did install Beo Ripper and will do a quickie render of that one soon.
Sorry to hear about that alphabet problem. That is one issue I haven't had... YET.That is so strange! Per your experience I moved my categories under default, just in case... But I dislike another sub menu I must open... I'm not sure it will ward off this issue on my own pc, but that is so very frustrating. I hate bugs. I don't want that one.
LOL. I think Sarge is pleased *HE* didn't have to wear the barbarian or Spartan warrior outfit, although with the size of that hammer he is probably one of the few people who might lift it). =-)
I like to test out the stuff I get in a render to see if it is worth keeping installed. There are also 2 hairs with the Freak 4 bundle which I already had installed.
I also found the cage- and the freak 4 poses interesting which come with the set rather cool.
Actually, loaded Beo-Ripper into the Tiki scene and am testing what the lights would look like without tweaking at all. Want to compare metal to wood (Tiki posts.) Also want to point out to newbies about posture- your pictures should show the relationship between characters without any captions or explanation. The BODY should relay a lot of that- without even using facial expressions.
So when you see this next render, ask yourself how the back, shoulders, arms, hands, stance of each character tell you how these two feel about each other. It will be Beo Ripper and the same Cassini as in the Tiki render.
Novica my categories I was making are all gone as of yesterday, and my products list. I have nothing in smart content either now. I am glad I was only in the c's...I may have to uninstall and reinstall DIM and see if that brings it back. I forgot to backup as I was still working away at it :(