Carrara, Windows 10, Windows 7 - troubles, or works fine

Many people hate Windows 10 and describe it as a confusing load of crap. They prefer Windows 7.
I had to buy a replacement computer for my desktop computer which died two weeks ago and money being tight these days I settled for a temporary comprimise which is a 300 dollar 4 core laptop, on credit of course. It is preloaded with Windows 10, which I never used before, avoiding it like the plague.
So do any of you have the time to help me with understanding the major differences between Windows 7, which I have been using for many years, and Windows 10. And, is it just heresay that Carrara crashes too much with Windows 10, or fact.
I am not much of a general computer geek, so would it possible for me to say buy a retail Windows 7 operating disk, erase Windows 10 from my new laptop, and replace it with Windows 7 from the disk, or would that be fatal?
Well there are differences.
I had no problems at all, but I wasn't looking into details, didn't look for something to hate, I simply didn't care. Just installed Carrara and everything worked fine. (Keep the drivers up to date!)
I have 2 laptops with Windows 10 and Carrara. One is an old one which was converted from Windows 8 to 10, the other one is a newer one which was shipped with Windows 10. Carrara works fine on both of them. I haven't noticed Carrara to crash more often than when I had Windows 7 on my former computer. The only issue I have on the older laptop is some OpenGL issues with the Inter 4000 driver, not limited to Carrara. It seems it got eventually get solved by Intel.
When comparing versions of Windows, you have to separate the OS proper from the GUI. GUI is a matter of taste I won't discuss. I can say I liked Windows 7, hated Windows 8 and was happy to convert to Windows 10. And then you have the OS. Compared with Windows 7, Windows 10 OS introduced several interesting new features like memory compression, disk cache in memory (you need at least 8go), file history and so on. This is not always very visible, but, in the long run, it makes daily use of Windows more friendly.
All in all, I'm quite happy I didn't stick to Windows 7. It took some time to get accustomed to the GUI, more to find all the goodies in the OS and effectively tune and use them, but it eventually worked well.
i was upset by the features they took away,. dvd movies. the right cluck preview for jpg and png, tho still works for tofs