Carrara 8.5 Serial Number No Longer Valid ♦♦NEW SERIAL NUMBER IN YOUR LIST NOW♦♦

I purchased Carrara 8.5, entered the serial number from my account and have been happily messing about with it - until this morning. Now Carrara just launches and says my serial number isn't valid.
I'll contact DAZ but c'mon guys - this makes it that every major transaction I've done with DAZ in the last 12 months has fouled up in some way. Just sayin'...
Post edited by Chohole on
Are you sure your not entering the 8.1 serial number by accident?
Nope - cutting and pasting from the line that says "Serialnumber for Carrara 8.5 Pro".
Same happened here. Everything working ok, then Carrara Pro 8.5 on Mac stops working. Shows correct serial number in panel, but tells me serial number is incorrect.
I'm not sure. I haven't heard of this problem yet. Maybe someone else is having the same issue that can help you out. Sorry. The only thing I can say if no one else can help out is to file a support ticket for Tech Support.
Yeah support ticket added.
It's Monday September 2 here in Australia so I can't help but suspect for some reason my serial number expired on September 1.
DAZ is out of the office on Monday due to a holiday. We will point this thread out to DAZ also so they can look into it
The beta was due to expire today.
Was just going to say that, it appears to have got muddled up with the beta number. Were you using the beta version? before you upgraded that is.
If that's the case then you will need to download the public release version. The series is only good for the public release version
This is the public release version.
Yes, I did play with the beta a while back. I did a pretty thorough uninstall before letting DIM download the new version though. I might grab another Mac that hasn't ever had Carrara installed and see how that goes.
If DAZ have been issuing serials that expire Sept 1 then I hope they're enjoying their long weekend because I suspect they'll have a very busy start to their first morning back :-)
The only one that SHOULD have an expiring serial is the beta. I'm at a loss here.
Luckily it has a trial mode so I can still open the project and show my clients this morning...
Now I have same issue.
I already used 8.5 pro product ver, with in my account serial.
Yesterday I needed to reset my user setting, then did it.
but it worked without problem.
then today, when I launch the Carrara 8.5 pro,
it show my serial is invalid. I checked again my account, then clip and paste, serial of 8.5 pro product ver.
but it always turn the message, the serial is invalid.
I have sent support ticket already. then my pc is windows 7 64 bit.
Now I have no way to open Carrara 8.5 pro.
I suspect if daz send limited serial number for some user ?
enjoy holiday DAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a shot in the dark here, but I've read where people copy and paste the serial number, but get an extra empty space at the end. Did you check for this?
It doesn't explain why you would launch Carrara and it gives you that message in the first place, unless there's some hidden little preference somewhere in your library that's causing the issue.
thanks to help,, but I know,, if I copy and paste, it may happen.(extra space).
so that I checked again and again if there is extra space or not. tried to manually input again too.
and I recorded the number in my text too. then input again.
it had been worked yesterday with same serial number which I copy and paste from my account.
Carrara 8.5 just keep the serial. and I can not enter trial too. Carrara said, The trial is expired.
I may need to say more detail, (if other user have same problem,,)
in my case, I had used (just installed and waited product ver) 8.5 beta and
I have bought 8.0 pro already.
After I uninstalled 8.5pro beta, and 8.1 product ver, I installed 8.5 by DIM to new default directory
(C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\Carrara8.5)
And Now there is another problem too. even though I check on 8.0 in Download section of DIM Filter,
and Aplly aplications , DIM can not show Carrara 8.0 which I have installed before,
as Downloadable product anymore.
I may try to install carrara 8.5 from my account to another directtory,,
but I feel it may not work.
I figured it was a long shot. Probably some other issue.
I let DAZ know that this is an issue
same here.. serial invalid..
and the retail 8.5pro was a clean install on a new machine with the bought serial number....
someone has stuffed up >:(
Same problem here on Mac (Lion). I had Carrara 8 and the 8.5 beta installed, but uninstalled both before installing the 8.5 release version. The serial I am trying to use is the one showing in my account and not the old beta serial.
Same problem here.
Both on WIndows 8 and OSX Mountain Lion, the serial number worked until yesterday.
Although, I still have problem on OSX that Native Contents and other carrara contents doesn't show in browser.
Look in here
Thank you very much.
I'll try after fixed the serial number problem. (Currently, I can't satart Carrara.)
I also had similar problem on Window 8 Pro with DIM, but it was fixed by disabling UAC.
Look in here
So my # isn't working as well.
What's wrong with you, DAZ? Seriously?
My s/n isn't working, too. Fix this now!
My first post to the forums, and it is a problem (my second one after the misplaced content folders). Not off to a great start here.
Same invalid serial error here.
Mac OS 10.8
Come back from holiday and fix this, please. Your users may not have the luxury of a holiday.
I've had 8.5 open here for 24 hours...not going to close it until this problem is fixed :D
Same here. 8.5 Pro has been working fine (on my Mac) since I bought it on 8/26 and today 9/1 I get serial number invalid. It was working a few hours ago.
It's no coincidence that this has happened to so many of us, at the exact same time, on both Mac and Win platforms. Daz clearly f'ed up. And of course it's on a holiday weekend when no one will be there to fix it.
To be honest I feel a bit better knowing that this isn't just me (misery loves company as they say) but they need to get their act together and rectify this IMMEDIATELY.
me too :long: started just now
Me too. Worked a couple of hours ago, but not any more.