Category Confusion

Hi all.

Id like to categorise content into custom categories but I just cant understand how it works.

For instance, you get the Rocker Outfit when DAZ is first installed and Id like to move the Armbands from the Accesories category to a custom category. I have ceated the custom category and placed the armbands into the new category using the Categorize command but they remain in the default Accesories category. How do I remove them from this category so they only appear in one category?

Also, where do I find new content after using the Scan Known Directories command? The conent I installed dosnt appear in the Scan Results category. For instance, I install a new figure via DIM and the figure dsont appear in Scan Results.

Thanks in advance.


  • If you install via DIM it will already be added to the database, so no need to scan - that's for manually installed content without metadata (if you use it at all).

  • AHA!  Thanks for clearing that up. I always use DIM to install poducts.

    What exactly do you mean by ''added to the data base"? Does that mean the content will already be located in the categories?

    And if so, Is there a way to see which catergories they are in so i can move them to my custom categories?


    Thanks again.

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