V4 anatomically correct
I spent the whole day trying to find a webpage that I ran across early this morning. I should've saved it or just bought the friggin model, but NNOOOOOOO... so here goes. Some guy make a model for V4 that is anatomically correct, and it works with all the regular V4 poses and morphs. Apparently, he took the time to change her anatomically, which is really convenient. So I'm asking, can anyone point me to that model?? I"ve looked and looked, with no success. thanks
You'll need to search a site like Renderotica.
ok, thanks
There is a free one on sharecg shasha something I don't remember, but it is a poser model. The best fully functioning models are designed for poser.
If you web search Most Digital Creations this may be what you’re looking for? He has anatomically correct category.
Depending on what browser you're using, you should be able to look through the history and see where you've been. I know Firefox can tell what time you last visited each page, not sure about the other browsers.