Weight map selection - How do I get rid of the falloff radius?

When I select a portion of my actor's face and fill the weights, it highlights the selection in red, but there is also a 1mm falloff radius that also partly affects the face. I need it so only the selected area moves, not the extra part that is automatically added on because I'm splitting the face in half and there is a glitch in the face where the two parts meet because they are both affecting the centerline.


  • Hello and wellcome to the Daz3D forum.

    Do you have painted those Weight Maps on a dFormer Influence field?

    And how do you want it to move, by transforming the dFormer?

    I guess you have two dFormers both affecting one side of the face.

    With "I select a portion" you propably mean you select the faces/polygons with the Geometry Editor and then fill the Weights with the Node Weight Map Brush tool. What I would do if I want to get rid of the weight map on the center line is pess Ctrl+NumpadMultiply to invert the face selection and then use Fill Weights with 0%. You could also try to invert and then use Grow Selection with pressing Ctrl+NumpadAdd and finaly use the smooth brush on just on the outer polyloop with Respect Selection checked in the Tool Settings pane of the Node Weight Map Brush tool.

    But maybe you think of this too complicated if you are using a dFromer you can also create the shape just on one side of the face then export this shape as an OBJ file. Now deactivate the DFormer influence in the Parameters pane.

    For any symetrical morph I usualy do just one side and then you can load the morph with Morph Loader Pro select the OBJ open the settings and activate Reverse Deformation, Attenuate By: Selection Set: "one half of the Figure". If its the shape for the left side name the morph something like this. Then click a second time on the "Choose Morph Files" button and load the same OBJ file again. This time open the settings and activate Reverse Deformation, Attenuate By: Selection Set: "one half of the Figure" again but now turn around the Strength: -1 there is also a option called Edge Strength: 0 that deals with the issue of the centerline. Then also change the setting for Morph Mirroring to X: Swap. This will mirror the morph on the X axis from left to right and vise versa. Don't forget to rename the morph for the right side. Next press Accept and both sides shoud get the same morph without the issues on the center line.

  • Excellent... PERFECT! Yes that is exactly what I was doing, this will solve it.Thank you

  • Excellent... PERFECT! Yes that is exactly what I was doing, this will solve it.Thank you

  • Excellent... PERFECT! Yes that is exactly what I was doing, this will solve it.Thank you

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