dForce Visible in Simulation not usable with timeline?
Posts: 39
I see that the timeline does record the Visibility in Simulation parameter,
but it doesn't seem to apply it. Is this a bug? I'm trying to open a button
on a shirt, so I'm trying to have the button in the simulation for the first
half, and gone the second half. Is this not possible?
Thank you!
Post edited by motoglyphs on
I need it again! I'd love to be able to embed an object in the cloth to manipulate it,
then once draped, remove the influence of the 'handle' completely to allow it to finish draping
naturally. "Visible in Simulation" on the timeline would give complete control over fabric.
If it's not possible now, then please please consider adding it in the future.
I too use a lot of helper objects and would find an the ability to animate Visible in Simulation very useful