It's Raining Men contest - Voting Now Closed

Hi, everyone.
It's almost time for the It's Raining Men contest. I wanted to let you know there will still be a Carrara category for you guys. There is a prize donated by an anonymous person in memory of wgdjohn who loved the contest and really pushed for Carrara users to participate.
If anyone wishes to donate to the contest prize pool, either the Carrara category or any category, please let me know. I'll be taking donations up until the contest ends on December 31st.
For PAs, we have a special category for Daz3D PAs this year. So if you're a PA who loves Carrara, consider entering at least one of your entries using it.
I hope to see lots of entries this year.
Thank you,
edit: spelling
Post edited by Knittingmommy on
Great news. I always look forward to this event. I know we can get Stezza again, and I hope more people participate.
Many thanks to the thougthful person who paid tribute to our dear friend, wgdjohn.
yep.. how awesome is that... very thoughtful
the WGDJohn Award .. love it
plus three
Great news!
Will have to allocate some time this time around
Repurpose category
- there is also a prize for best repurposed content. Carrara is a great tool for this category. The idea is to take an item intended for female figures and repurpose it in some way. So hone your kitbashing skills, or apply the VWD plugin, use the vertex modeler. Get creative and show the Carrara flag to a larger audience.
For example, I took a corset designed for Victoria 4
and turned it into a landscape with two huts.
I just posted the thread for the It's Raining Men contest to the Art Studio forum. I hope to see some entries by you fine folks. Let me know if you have any questions.
Note - I think for repurpose, some people like to see female content adapted to males, but they want something beyond draping a dress on a genesis male. The event started in response to threads complaining about the lack of content for male figures. On the other hand, not sure who will be judging the repurpose category, so something like my huts might be a way to be set apart from the crowd.
Thanks for the update and link, @Knittingmommy. Always a wonderful event.
In addition to the main prizes for generally excellent images, here are several more categories (see the "toon" category?)
Best, Original Re-Purposed entry
$20.00 Daz3D Gift Certificate donated by Knittingmommy
Best Quirkiest Image
$25.00 Daz3D Gift Certificate donated by Chohole
Best Entry by a Forum Newbie
$20.00 Daz3D Gift Certificate donated by L'Adair
Best Toon Entry
$20.00 Daz3D Gift Certificate donated by Knittingmommy
Best entry created in Carrara
$20.00 Daz3D Gift Certificate in memory of wgdjohn
Best Entry by a Daz3D PA (published artist)
$25.00 Daz3D Gift Certificate donated by Knittingmommy
Those huts are so clever! I never would have imagined that came from that corset. That's ingenious!
working on two at the moment..
Q. Does the Carrara screen capture have to be included with the entry in the entry thread or just posted in the WiP thread?
or both?
I'd like to have the screen capture uploaded with the entry if at all possible. Sometimes, there are glitches and if for any reason you can't, include the link to where you have it in the Carrara WIP thread so I can go take a look. Thanks.
just another question..
one of my entries will be a toon
do I have to tag it when entered as being for Toon and Carrara with screenshot?
You can tag it if you want but it isn't really needed. I'll put all the toons in the right category when it's time to do the judging.
Thanks for that...
I have entered two images .... still thinking about the third and how to use something of which I don't know what and repurpose it into something else of which I know not lol
.. I also used @Philemo_Carrara phong plug in on one of my entries yay...
Entry Thread
Three entries added.
I just want to clear up any confusion and let you guys know, you only need to upload your entries and screenshots to the Entry thread. They don't have to be uploaded to the discussion thread first like it is in the Carrara contest. I always know where to find the working thread here if I have any questions. I just want to make it easier for all of you to enter It's Raining Men.
Edit: Oops! Forgot link. Fixed.
Thanks KM ;)
I hope people are considering entering the Its Raining Men event, given that it has a Carrara category inspired by our late friend Wgdjohn. As always, Stezza, Bunyip and Headwax will make sure that people outside the Carrara forum see some of the awesomeness that Carrara can do, but it would be nice to see more participation. But even if you don't enter, try to make some time to check out the Carrara entries, and everything else.
It's Raining Men ends at DAZ midnight. If you're working on an entry, you still have a little time to get it entered! I've seen some nice Carrara entries so far. You guys do good work! :)
some fine entries ! thanks for organising that Knittingmommy. I'm afraid I didn't end up putting my work because of the no signature rule, but, never-the-less, muchly appreciate there being a Carrara section.
It's Raining Men is now open for voting! Head over to the Art Studio to take a look. The voting thread is stickied to the top of the Art Studio or you can use the direct link:
It's Raining Men Voting Thread
Once you've voted, head over the discussion thread to let us know you voted:
It's Raining Men Discussion Thread
Just a gentle reminder if you haven't voted yet, voting for the It's Raining Men challenge ends tomorrow night. January 24 at Daz midnight!
Just a reminder that the voting for the It's Raining Men contest ends tonight at Daz midnight. If you haven't voted yet, go cast your votes today!
it's on again for 2019
with a Carrara category