How to put some image on object?
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How to put some image on the top of the object,i put texture and image is all over the object....
If the object that you are applying the texture to is not UV Mapped, the results may be unexpected.
You can use the Polygon Group Editor to select just the top face of a cube for example, and then apply the image to that, is that what you mean?
@JimmyC_2009 yes that is good just where i put image? because i put image in opacity slot and nothing,i put in diffuse slot and nothing?
he give me tile
If it is a JPEG image, you should put it into the Diffuse slot in the Surfaces tab.
Make sure that you have the object you want to apply the texture to, selected in the Scene pane first. Select Browse from the Diffuse tab, and find your image on your PC.
yes i do that,but he give me tile images i want just one,...see
At the bottom of the Surfaces pane, you will see Horizontal Tiles and Vertical Tiles, make sure that they are set to '1.0'
Did you understand what I said here?
they set to 1.00
What is the problem exactly?
Do you just want the image to appear on ONE face only? If that is the case, you will either have to UV map the object, or use the Polygon Group Editor as explained before.
Can you please post an image of what you are seeing, and explain what you think is wring?
i manualy set the values and its good HT:-0.024 VT:0.047
Now its ok,....that i want :)