Berserker Tyannosaurus Rex [Co…
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Berserker Tyannosaurus Rex [Commercial]

Berserker - Tyrannosaurus Rex 2: Out Now! [Commercial]
The Berserker is a unique sculpted and standalone character from the Tyrannosaurus Rex 2 product along with its own material preset, unique feather set, and pose collection. This means that the original Tyrannosaurus Rex 2 is not required to use this figure but morphs and poses from the original can be applied to the Berserker. The Berserker brings more realism and ferocity to the tyrant king. Take your prehistoric renders to another level with the Berserker Tyrannosaurus Rex.

1300 x 1000 - 546K

1300 x 1000 - 619K

1300 x 1000 - 544K

1300 x 1000 - 554K

1785 x 1373 - 950K
Post edited by Herschel Hoffmeyer on
Looks great Herschel!
looks great Just grabbed it.
yup me too can hardly wait to release it on the rest of them.................................
Looks very realistic Herschel. I am gonna add it to my wishlish for now (pc+ anniversary was too expensive to buy it now).
By the way, I am looking for those trees from your promo, where can I find them? You also use them in your other products and they look the same as the ones used in "Brown Bear by AM" so I guess (hope) it is a purchasable item. (Not a Cornucopia3d item I hope, because it will take a while before that store will be back.)
Thanks guys!
Unreal Engine 4
You have to import any Daz models into Unreal Engine 4 which is easy if you're familiar with setting up materials and working with fbx's.
Edit: Unreal Engine 4 is free by the way.
Beautiful but pricy! Heh.
There are some items in the Daz store that can do similar.
Are all the promos rendered in Unity or are some of them Iray/3dl renders?
All the ones with the background scenes are done inside Unreal Engine 4 but the isolated renders (with just a grey background) are done inside Daz using Iray. All renders of the rex (rather Daz or Unreal) look the same in my opinion. I just use Unreal because it is better at handling the large scale scenes, with real time feedback, and without overtaxing your pc.
Hi just trying out the new rex. for some reason when rendering in iray the renders are coming out all white and not showing the textures.
Works with certain lights but with the standard default lights and some others doesn’t. Not sure what’s causing it. Anyone any ideas?
Can you share a few quick renders of whats going on your screen?
it loads fine and all the textures are showing but when i render this happens.
also an image of the alpha rex loaded into same scene and renderd with same settings whch renders fine.
certain lights seems to be causeing it. domes on there own seem to work but scene lights dont.
very strange
That is very strange indeed. The only real difference between the two is the new rex makes use of sub-surface scattering which I don't think would be causing the problem. I would try to reach out to Daz support and see what they say.I've never encoutered this problem before with any product so I wouldn't knoiw how to fix.
yes got me baffled as well as I have never had it happen with any other model.
Strange thing is if I turn the environment to dome only it works fine. It also works with sky only .
seems to only happen with scene lights on so figure it must be something to do with those but not sure what.
I ran into same problem, I created a seperate camera and turned the light off and it corrected that situation. OK well upon further reflection, and a lot of testing thus far I noticed that there are a lot of differences between the Beserker and the Regular TRex 2, like no metalic (Gloss) maps in the beserker, Did you use a modified algorithm with your metalic settings for the beserker or did you use the same one that you used for the Trex2. If so I think that is where the problem is arising. So here is what I did, just because I have the time to play around with it.
1...I loaded both the female and the beserker together.
2...Copied the maps and shaders over to the beserker and then.
3...Replaced all the maps from the female to the Beserkers maps and it cleaned it up.
4... Then I reinitialized the beserkers shaders and maps and plugged in the missing maps from the previous Trex2 and this is the result.
This is using the standard bootup HDRI maps and camera.
And this is why I ask if you changed the algorithm Herschel. Still the coolest Dinos around, and let me tell you I know Dinos. I have been studying them since I was 5 years old....
A Triceratops has my vote as well.
I ran into same problem, I created a seperate camera and turned the light off and it corrected that situation. OK well upon further reflection, and a lot of testing thus far I noticed that there are a lot of differences between the Beserker and the Regular TRex 2, like no metalic (Gloss) maps in the beserker, Did you use a modified algorithm with your metalic settings for the beserker or did you use the same one that you used for the Trex2. If so I think that is where the problem is arising. So here is what I did, just because I have the time to play around with it.
For now I have just created another camera and turned off the headlamp. This seems the simplest way to get it to work. Never come across this before must be a combination of settings that’s making the headlamp cause this .
Anyway working now with a different camera.
I too am eagerly awaiting the triceratops :)
I don’t own the model, so can’t say for sure, but is there any backscattering turned on in the surfaces settings? This has caused that ‘whiteout’ effect on hairs when there is no camera being used.
Ha, think thats the culprit. searched for back scattering in the materials setting and turned it off it seems to work now.
yup that worked as well and a hell of a lot easier......
I grabbed this one as well and am eagerly anticipating the next one. I really love the image with the larger herd in the distance, beautifully done!
Genious, thank you for the help! I will take note of this.
The Triceratops is my next dinosaur coming out and I should have the first few renders of it up later this week on my deviant art. I posted a preview of the work in progress below. Following Triceratops I believe the Allosaurus is next, followed my a Saurophaganax morph for the Allosaurus model.
I want to get it but I need to get some other stuff first. I am trying to justify a TRex but they are not in my current story.
I can help with that for you. And as he/she rounded the corner there stood the mighty Trex, see easy, your welcome
True, I can make my character a time traveling tourist who gets lost easily among the times.
Or both? The bumbling time traveler goes into the future to find a museum of life like dinosaurs. She notices something is off and tries to solve the mystery.
This scenario requires ninjas and cowboys be added into the mix... riding the dinosaurs, naturally.
I don't know why, but dinosaurs always make me happy. Especially the big T. And brachiosaurs. And trikes. And stego.........any dinosaur, really...
Thank you Herschel!
Ouch.. that's quite expensive.
Is it also possible to go the other way around, to bring the trees into daz studio (losing some features I guess)?
It might be cheaper to photogrammetrically scan some redwood tree's myself, only additionally need a ringflash and some linear polorizer film (and a tree of course, here in northern part of the Netherlands where I live the ones available are only about 4 meters wide though).
And if you do a search on 'forest' there are a bunch of cool environments in the Daz store.