How to clear/remove all "currently used" parameter changes to object and its' children

Wondering if this is possible;
Basically, I've adjusted limbs, hands, fingers, and want to "zero out" or remove all the changes I've made to them without totally resetting the figure to a predefined pose. If I could reset [everything below shoulder] for example that would be the best.
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you so very much.
The zero commands are also in the Edit>Figure menu in recent builds of DS, if you have allowed the menus or layout to refresh.
It appears that the "zero" and "restore" commands only work on figures, not on non-figure items like props. Is there a way to reset all parameters on a non-figure object. ie the equivalent of "paramter tab / specific parameter / parameter settings / reset value" for all object parameters in one hit?
Use the action: Zero Selected Item(s)... which works on both of Props as well as selecte Figure's node (joint)...
Create a shortcut or place the action on Toolbar...
Brilliant, thanks Crosswind.
No problem !