are yoo a thread killer?
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..welcome aboard. Enjoy the silliness.
Cobalt42 wish I had your postal restraint sometimes
I actually did not post much either until I got a damned tablet
Hey thanks! Silly can be good. Helps keep the stress of everyday life down. No I don't post very often even though some of my friends/coworkers think I should.
Welcome to the "Ministry of Silly Talks".
I want to sew but I don't have any fabric or anything other than a sewing machine.
Silly is good and it does relieve stress.
I don't post often or write a lot and generally I'm known for being very serious and to the point.
Okay... that was a complete lie...
I post way too often, nothing I say makes sense, it's generally borderline bats**t insane (but borderline, "over the borderline" towards whatever comes after bats**t insane), and I'm as "to the point" as Faulkner trippin' on mushrooms.
If I had friends they'd probably encourage me to not write because I'm pretty sure most of what I write could be considered a war crime or cruel and unusual punishment against people's eyeballs... then again if I had friends they'd probably have to be pretty messed up too, so there is an equally great possibility that they'd encourage me to inflict mental harm on mankind by writing my nonsense.
But that's irrelevant or some other word might make more sense... you should post here if it makes your life more stress free...
Plus one more person writing here potentially gives me something to respond to in a long and convoluted post that may or may not involve mention of sentient cats, peanut butter conspiracies featuring Illuminati penguins, little known facts I invented moments before I wrote them and other delightful grammatically incorrect tirades and manifestos I may be prone to writing at a given moment.
But anyway...
Nice to meet you!
Is it just me or are those quick fix the computer software options more hassel than they are worth?
Gonna try learning something here.
...and above all, don't panic.
I'll try not to. Never done anything like this before. This forum stuff is all new and unexplored territory for me.
If by "here" you mean this thread, I wouldn't advise it.
It's not that it causes permanent brain damage, it just exposes it.
Oh I know. 'Learning something here' as in learning how to post comments, pictures, and so forth. Not exactly an expert.
Non-complaint: My kitchen pantry is full to overflowing. Yay, I'm ready for winter already. And I've got three more cases of storeable foods coming next week. And tiny grocery bills for the rest of the year.
'Nother non-complaint: I bought that new 8.1 Minotaur. Wheee is he fun!
Minotaur? Might work great with my centaurs?
Complaint - off the wrong topic.
Tryin' anything to kill this thread. This obviously didn't work.
I'll throw complaints down the regular hole from now on.
maybe this raw video will do it
I can help!
Here's what I do...
How to post comments: Just write random thoughts and stuff... it helps if you don't sleep a lot and drink lots of coffee to compensate, also having fallen on my head a lot as a child seems to have helped with the clarity of my thoughts. Alcohol helps too, but I probably shouldn't recommend that since that's probably a bad habit or something and apparently waking up in dark alleys hugging a goat is something frowned upon by "polite" society.
The good thing about writing a lot is eventually stuff starts to form sentences... believe it or not, this is all just random words, but by sheer volume of transcriptic output words such as these eventually start to form sentences... like the same way single cell organisms eventually will evolve into any random social media influencer or thousands of monkeys with typewriters will eventually write the script to any Sharknado film...
Which by the way, nobody ever mentions the unbelievable amount of monkey feces involved in such an endeavor... it's truly mind boggling and it's everywhere... everywhere.
But like I was meandering towards saying... writing and writing and writing and writing will eventually build up enough words for you to become an author... or authoritarian... one of those... and then you can sell books and live in luxurious Bangor Maine like Steven King... or in the very least make your own books and throw them at people you don't like.
The possibilities are endless... well, actually there are about twelve possibilities, but they could technically have other possibilities and one of those leads to a cool police chase in which you drive over an open drawbridge like Starsky & Hutch, only it doesn't really end well, but that's not so important at the moment as we are focusing on getting your novel written... by the way... would you be interested in purchasing a couple thousand used monkeys?
They come with typewriters and a shovel.
Think about... I willing to practically give them away.
They bite a little and definitely throw poop, but you could conceivably get whole sharknado movie out of them if those are still popular.
Anyway... So after you type all those random words here like I'm doing, find the blue "Post Comment" button (or blue-gray if you have a helper dog doing this for you) and click it... or if you are writing on a tablet you can lick it... I do that often because my iPad usually has food on it... they make really good serving trays and you can read while eating.
Anyway... there you go, now you are an official nut job writing on the internet!
The posting pictures thing is easy too and doesn't involve any monkeys...
Well, it could if you are really into monkeys, but it's not necessary and if you really want to involve a monkey or two, I'm not judging... look, it's 2022 and what a consenting adult and their monkeys do in the privacy or their own home (or a local museum at night) is their business...
You can lick the "Attach a file" option under the text box... or click it if you are using a mouse... don't use a chipmunk, they bite... but you can store Hershey kisses in their cheeks for short periods of time and if you claim them as Emotional Support Animals you can stuff their cheeks full of rare gems and smuggle them past customs... nobody ever suspects the chipmunks apparently... well, unless you stuff it with an ancient Sumerian amulet cursed by the demon king Gurrūdapak and the noon rays of the sun on the third day of equinox hit any exposed surface, causing the chipmunk to mutate in Xisgroth the Undying, bringer of despair and pain, while you are on line... that's embarrassing, but luckily you can usually slip out in the ensuing chaos.
Anyway... after attaching your photo (or zip file) you can hit or lick the "Post Comment" button and it'll get posted... unless it's a day ending in the letter "y" then most likely the forum servers will freeze and unless you saved you post somewhere else it will go to forum heaven which is actually hell, but we don't tell that to the little kids, we just say their post is living in a farm upstate where it gets to run in the fields and play with other posts... we never say it's rotting in sulfurous hell with other posts just like it...
Not a lot of people or gerbils know that you can attach a zip file too... this is handy if you want to post a simple .OBJ file... if you zip the .OBJ, you can attach it to your post...
You'll probably never need to know that, but now you do and it can't be undone... sorry to have burdened you with this knowledge.
Here's another interesting attachment related tidbit... after you post the image, you can click on the image and you'll then be able to see it's web address location thingie information (I forgot what it's called... remember the head injury stuff at the beginning)... if you copy that down and click or lick the little gear icon on the top right of your post, you should see the edit option appear...
Actually, the gear icon is magical and is usually invisible until you mouse around (or lick around) the corner and activate it... I'm assuming DAZ did this because they don't want people editing their posts because misspellings are funny or something like that... but yeah, there is an icon there and it will appear eventually if you lick long enough... or mouse... you know, move the cursor around...
Anyway... once you activate the icon, click or lick the gear (is the licking thing not funny anymore?... I don't care, I'm sticking with it... there is humor in repetition)... (is the licking thing not funny anymore?... I don't care, I'm sticking with it... there is humor in repetition).
If you click or lick the icon properly, the "Edit" option, you should see this...
Or not if you've forgotten to open your eyes or fell asleep...
But if you activate it sometimes you hear a heavenly chorus from above signal the achievement with jubilant music... mostly not, but click "Edit" and then you can insert your photo by clicking or licking (I'm still doing that bit) on the little icon that looks like two mountains with a sun or moon over it... or two weirdly asymmetric pointy boobs with a tennis ball flying past them... depending on how your mind works...
Clicking or licking that icon opens up an option box that allows you to insert the image... Whatever you do don't click on the Omega symbol, it will unleash an Ancient Greek demon who has been sealed away in the forums servers for all eternity... it's a dickens to get it back in so just don't do that... and definitely avoid the smiley face icon too, it activates Evil Otto from the 80s video game Berserk and he'll show up in you home and electrocute you to death... I'm not sure why that's an option, but whatever... I have no idea what the other icons do but I really don't care either and I suspect it's nobody's business anyway...
Moving right along... next you should see this option appear if you licked properly (I sticking to it, it'll be funny eventually)...
In the URL space (that was the term I forgot... I think...) enter the URL info you copied earlier for that image...
I think it's been said that the largest dimension should not exceed 700 pixels (metric pixels not imperial*), but I try not exceed 650 as that's sufficient and I'm a pixel wussy... You could ignore that and post a ten million pixel wide image but that will probably piss off the mods and they will eventually track you down and murder you in your sleep... sorry, that's not true... sometimes they wake you up first... sorry, that's a myth I just made up, but tell it to little kids to make them fear mods and keep internet law and order intact...
Anyway, it's not nice because they'll have to edit it down to a manageable size and it makes more work for them.
I probably don't have to say this but I will... when you are done click or lick (I did have to say that part) the green (or brown if you are the helper dog) "Ok" button... the image should appear and you'll suddenly feel "Okay"... or be transported to Oklahoma...
One of those...
Anyway... you can insert the image "inline" as I've done by inserting it between whatever you wrote... like this...
Thats Beatrice, she's a Carpenter Beetle with an attitude who landed on my arm at a BBQ in Connecticut... I won't bore you with the rest, mostly because it's classified information, but thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, you can look it up under "Radioactive Beetle Gives Man Beetle Superpowers At Family Picnic"...
Anyway... See how that was inserted between the stupid instructions I was writing?
Look hard!
Answer me!
Oh, sorry... I thought this was a verbal conversation like on FaceTime or Discord or when I scream at pigeons in the park...
Anyway... if you don't want to have the little thumbnail at the bottom of the screen to confuse your test subjects, I mean the people or gerbils reading your post, you can post the thumbnails in this thread...
Its helpful because once you make a post there you can find your images easily if you want to reuse them or just go back and gloat over how clever and funny your images are.
I don't do that, but I've heard it's a thing...
I'm much too cool to do stuff like that...
Anyway, it's good way to organize or find your forum post images and they stay 10% fresher and less likely to rot than if you were to leave them out in the open.
You don't need to make a new post each time either... you can keep going back and editing your post to add more crap, I mean photos... I have no idea what the limit is... I probably do about twenty or thirty before I move on to a new post... that's a good number I think...
Anyway... I hope this has been helpful and has only given you a minor headache... if you continue to have nosebleeds for more than 24 hours please see a physician... I mean visit one... don't just look at a picture of one... unless it's a kitten dressed up as a doctor... that's cute and you'll get a chuckle or two and as they say "laughter is the best medicine"... it's cheap too... granted, maniacal laughter is a sign of other problems (trust me, I know that very well) but so is the fact that you a still reading this... Seriously, you are probably losing brain cells left and right at this point... and you should probably take care of that nosebleed... if it's really bad stuff a pair of tampons in your nostrils... just don't forget about them and go to McDonald's... people will look at you strange and be all judgie...
I think that's all... you mentioned "and so forth" too... but that I can't help you with that... unless you meant something else... the closest I could figure might be a misspelling is "a Sopwith"... so, I'm guessing that's a reference to the World War 1 British biplane the Sopwith Camel... Snoopy used to hallucinate that he was flying one in combat against the Red Baron... but I don't know what to do with that information... maybe I'll just tuck it away and use it as a callback reference for something dumb at some future point.
Bonus Prize for reading this far... (see attachment at bottom of post)
Its a stupid Toy Octopus I made to test something on my iPad... (Sculpted in Nomad Sculpt and the mesh resolution was lowered in Forger Classic)
Its total crap, but it could be scaled down and used as a dog toy or something.
Or not... it hardly makes up for having to walk around with tampons in your nostrils.
*Thats a metric system joke... there is no such thing as metric pixels.
they like it if you open the link tab and post it there too and choose "new Window"
The max Width is 800 when inserting into the text field. The Height is automatically adjusted. If you use the Link tab, the full sized image can be used in the new window.
You aren't supposed to read it... nobody is.
I learned something new today!... that and the thing about petting raccoons that are foaming at the mouth... this was more fun though.
I didn't know about that either... just like the raccoon thing I mentioned previously.
Hi, I'm Nobody, why do I have to read all your posts?
But foamy raccoons are so cute. The foamy raccoon babies re such cute little nippers...
Where do I find the LittleFox unicorns?
@ McGyver ...yet another epic and entertaining post, bravo.
the finished production version of that nightmare video I linked earlier