Loading Scripts ?

Anybody out there have any words of wisdom relating to loading scripts in the .dse format?

Trying load load some of the softbody physics stuff, and the instructions that come with the scripts just says "Install the Scripts",...
So I put them in the Scripts sub folder in my runtime, then if I have my character selected and a go to load the script like any other asset I get and error message, and it I try open them in the script editor I see the title of the script, no content and the Execute button is not available to run it.

I'm probably doing something easily corrected, but I'm finding the documentation with these scripts is a little light on details for getting them to work, and the online manual for Studio seems incomplete in many areas.


Error message in the Log File is,.... "Failed to load script"


  • Not in Runtime. The default would be <Content Directory>/Scripts/[folder of your choice].

  • They're in Studio/my library/scripts/soft bodies.

    Double click on them from the content bin within Studio, with the character selected in the scene, and see 'Failed to load' in the log file.

  • What version of DS are you uisng? Help>About Daz Studio

  • Serefina_MoonSerefina_Moon Posts: 106
    edited November 2018

    My main machine has
    The test PC I was having issues installing studio on has,.. but I haven't gotten chance to try open the dse file type scripts on it yet.

    Edit,... The same scripts that would not open in,... opened and functioned in - these are the soft body scripts from Masatok.

    Post edited by Serefina_Moon on
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