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Do you remember the 1956 Pontiac Safari version of the Nomad?
Yep My Uncle had one
Yep, I always wondered which one was the nicer car, not necessarily the more luxurious, but the nicer looking car, I figure it all depends on whether you like the Chevy Better! Or the Pontiac!
Nice work, is that one also a GTA conversion?
Yep, I always wondered which one was the nicer car, not necessarily the more luxurious, but the nicer looking car, I figure it all depends on whether you like the Chevy Better! Or the Pontiac!
Nice work, is that one also a GTA conversion?
Thanks Betsy. Guess I should do a render with the Chevy and Pontiac, just to compare both. And, yeah, it's another GTA conversion.
Can you explain how you do the conversions, I have the thing to do it with...I think...I got it sometime before, and also, can you give us a few links on where to get some of these cool cars to convert....
Thanks Betsy. Guess I should do a render with the Chevy and Pontiac, just to compare both. And, yeah, it's another GTA conversion.
I tried to convert one once that wasn't locked, and still that program wouldn't allow me to do it unless I paid for it, even now $45 is just not in the budget!
Wooooo! way! I thought it was a freebie.
Just bought the 40 ford coupe.....$10.50 was a good deal. Gonna get that 58 Ford Convertible next...$17.00!
Then maybe the 54 chevy or Buick Roadmaster convertible.
OK, give me a few days to work out how I do this. I do have a real life job and I also go over to my mom's to help her with therapy in recovering from a stroke she had in February this year. So, my time it rather limited. It might take several days to write up how I do this, but for the time being, just a general idea of what I use...ZModeler (I have several version (1.0.7 thru 2.2.6) and the registration I bought works in all versions), TXDWorkshop (it's extract the textures that come with the car to TGA file format), RWAnalyze (it's also free....if I find a car that is locked, this will unlock most of those), UVMapper Pro (for working with the mesh..deleting things I don't need or remapping parts for texturing), PoseRay ( to make sure textures that came with the car are applied right), Poser (naturally), and Photoshop (for working with textures, crerating my own, or converting textures from one file format to another).
I get cars from several sites so here is a few...;=&entries=0&searchtext;=ℴ=
What '58 Ford convertible? Where is that?
What 58 Ford? I did just buy the 51 Buick, got it for $12.60, also a good deal, and we now have a 4 door car to boot, I also figured out how to work these cars in DS4.5Pro, I'm going to do a write up on how to use them, it won't apply to DS3, as everything appears to work fine in DS3 for these cars, they also completely work in DS4 and DS4.5. but you can't just click on the mainbody, except for using shaders of course, even double clicking won't do any good, you have to use the scene tab or find it in the dropdown menu in the parameters tab.
Are you referring to this '58 Ford Edsel
It's locked for Vue.
I found the 58 Edsel Convertable, the problem with that one, is N7 only made it for Vue, its not available for Poser!
Man I want that 58 Edsel myself, but can't use it, since I don't do Vue.
You are right, I didn't see that...crap! I really wanted that one. I would love to find a 61 Chevy Impala...with all that chrome on it. That would be an awesome model. Black with red/white interior would be nice.
Here is the 40 Ford Coupe with DZFire's shaders and my American Mags and tires. Notice the Hurst 4 speed shifter I added with the big white 4 speed those! I think it turned out really nice!
Yep, that is a nice mesh, I wish now I would have waited to buy that one, but hey, at least I got it too.
The 1962 Ford Thunderbird
The Ford Thunderbird, started life in the early 1950's, as Chevrolet had released the Corvette, a little two seat roadster, supposedly to be a
"Cheap Hotrod"! As one executive at GM coined the term, however, the Corvette was anything but cheap, the fiberglass body was expensive to produce,
The first couple of years the Corvette was in production, didn't see a real big time sales record of the car, it had a six cylinder engine, called
the "Blue Flame Six", came with duel carbs, and a split exhaust, the car looked snazzy enough for the time, immediately, Ford decided that they
had a "Better Idea"!
The first Ford thunderbird was released in late 1954, for the 1955 model year, while Chevrolet created the "Hot One" that year, the Thunderbird
held its own, and was a fairly popular car, also a two seat roadster, the Thunderbird was marketed as a "Personal Luxury car, it had creature
comforts that the Corvette didn't, two seater was where the similarity between the Corvette and Thunderbird ended.
The Tbird came with a Yblock V8, had fairly nice appointments under the hood, such as polished aluminum valve covers and a chrome breather, there
was plenty of power inside those nice details under the hood as well, inside the car itself, bucket seats, some with a small center console, most
without, but the cars were among the first with autmatic transmission shifter on the floor, to give it that sporty look.
The 55, 56 and 57 Thunderbirds all came with removable hard tops, the top was too big and awkward to fit into the trunk, so if you got caught in
the rain while out and about, well, you would have done well to order the soft top option available at the time, that tucked neatly behind the seats,
other than the fact that the hard top wouldn't fit inside the trunk, the car did have a fairlys spacious trunk
The Ford Thunderbird when through a metamorphosis for 1958, Ford created what has become known as the "Squarebird", the body lengthened and the car
was now a four seater.
For 1962, Ford must have heard loud and clear that they shouldn't have done away with the two seater, but the four seater concept sold more cars,
so Ford comprimised and made the Sport Roadster, this model option for the Thunderbird lasted for only a few years, the car had special luxury
appointments, plus a Tonnouah cover which covered the rear seats, all sports roaders were convertables, all Thunderbird Converts had retractible
hard tops, thereby eliminating the the top boot, it also eliminated the need to give special care to the ragtop.
The Model By Nationale 7.
Nationale 7's model of the 1962 Thunderbird is a very nice mesh indeed, the car of course works perfectly in Poser7, there are issues with it in
DAZ Studio 4.5 Pro, the car isn't like most of the Nationale7 cars, as most of their cars and trucks are figures, this, like their 1957 Chevrolet
Bel-Air convertible, loads as a prop, it is one of their older models, so it does make sense.
The car requires the use of shaders, however, in order to move the car about in any scene, just click anywhere on the body, with the exception of course
of the doors.
If your going to save presets for the shaders on this car, be prepared to save a lot of them, as every little part of the car that requires shaders,
which is most of it, the body has four separate parts to color, and that all for just one color, since this car permanently has the top down, you will
probably want to shade the interior as well, I used DZFire shaders for the bodycolor, Schurby's 65 GTO shader presets for the chrome and mirrors,
I used the leather shaders from the Ultamate Shader collection for the interior upholstry, and the aluminum from the same set for the dash panel metal.
This one normally sells for $15, however, right as this is being written, the car is on sale for $10.50.
Available at Renderosity.
been a bit busy as of late but refocused for a time
not a real render just a novel way to show off a WIP
With the PC madness winding down, (my wallet needs a break), and sales taking place over at Rendo, (now the 3DC Tuning Garage is on sale for $6.99), its time for me to get back to normal things again! Like cars n girls!
Sue's First Love!
music asked how I do these conversion so here goes.....
You do need a registered version of ZModeler because if it isn't registered, you won't be able to do to much.
OK, once I find a car I want to work with and download it, I'll make a folder on my Desktop since that it where I mostly work from. I'll open the compressed file and extract the .dff and .txd file to that folder. Next, open TXDWorkshop, open the .txd file, and click "Image", then "Export all textures to tga images". I use .tga because that is what works best when importing the car into ZModeler. Next, open ZModeler, click "File", "Import", navigate to the folder with the car and select the .dff file. Once you do that, if the "Import" button is highlighted, just click it and import the car. If you get a message that the car is locked, just click cancel. Now, you have to open RWAnalyze, click "File", "open" and locate the .dff file to open it. Now click "Tools", "Commands", "Change File Version", and select "RW 3.5 (0x1400FFFF)". Now click "File" and "Save". Go back to ZModeler and go throught he import function again. This time, when you click on the .dff file, the "Import" button should be highlighted so you can click it. Whent he car is imported, there are 2 things you can do here. Expand all the sections of the car that are listed and one at a time, select the "dam" file, right click it, select "edit", then "Delete". Do this for all files that are not checked. The "dam" files are parts of the car that have been created to show body damage from a wreak. After you have done that, click "File", "Export", select the folder where the original was if it isn't already selected, name the file to export and make sure in "Save as type" you have Wavefront .obj selected. What I do is just Export the car as is, damaged parts and all. Next I'll open UVMapper, open the car file, at the first popup screen, click "OK" and at the 2nd popup screen, click "No". When the car is opened in UVMapper, click "Select", "Select by", and choose "Group". When the next screen opens, I'll select all "dam" files and delete then from here. I'll also select "chassis_vlo", "Collision", and "Shadow". You don't need those files either. Now I just save the obj file back to the car folder. I'll open PoseRay and open the car .obj file to check to make sure the texture files are applied.
Some cars will look good when imported into Poser and some won't. The cars that don't look too good, I'll just toss those out and work on something else.
These cars are large so be prepared to do some resizing when you import them into you favorite program (Poser or DAZ Studio).
Hope this helps getting you started and if you have any questions, fell free to ask.
OK!!!...after playing around with the ZModeler2.2.6 for a few hours today, I figured out how to do this. I did mine a little bit differently than you did Cherokee. I used only the ZModeler, Poseray, sketchup and Daz Studio. It turned out to be the best $22.00 (for the ZModeler registration) I have spent yet. I will be able to do LOTS of cool cars.
So my first car was the Pontiac Safari Nomad you posted here earlier. I downloaded the car for free. I opened the .dff file in ZModeler. Oh, btw...I downloaded the DirectX update like you said and no more crashing...thanks for that. I know you said that the .3ds export feature wasn't very good, but I used it anyway and exported it all at once. I then imported the .3ds file into Sketchup. I then noticed that there were all these planes all over the car blocking it from being seen. I then discovered that these planes were in seperate groups, so I highlighted each group and hit delete. They disappeared a group at a time, all the way down to just the car itself. The bumpers were seperate groups, the doors each seperate, hood, and so forth. So I deleted all the car but each group at a time, exported that part again as a .3ds file, then hit undo to get the entire car back again. I repeated this until I had each group exported as a .3ds file.
Then I opened each .3ds file in Poseray, and converted each to an .obj file. I did all of them. Then I imported each .obj into Daz Studio 3, and parented each one to the body. I then scaled the entrie car down to size at once. Then I opened the surfaces tab and set all my colors and used some of my own textures. I then re-exported the scaled model, with all the parts moved into place, as .obj files again. Everything was lined up and sized right. The next thing I will do is import all the parts into Poser 7, and make a .pp2 file of the car, with doors, hood tailgate, and tires all movable. I will set the point of origin on the hinges and one dial will open and close them.
So that is how I did mine. The mesh is great and held up nicely through the conversion. It turned out as good as any cars I have spent $10 or $15 bucks on. I can now do lots of them!!! I just saved myself tons of money! Thanks Cherokee for bringing this to my attention.
Here is my first conversion...I used DZFire's shaders on it. Turned out awesome!
:-) looks so lonely there all by The mesh looks awesome though. Would love to see it when it's finished
So...GET' R' DONE!
Glad you got it all figure out now and the process is work for you. Also glad the DirectX problem got fixed with that link I sent. I figured that was what was making ZModeler crash.
You conversion of the Pontiac looks good and hope you have fun doing many more.
Finally got the TXD installed, had to turn off the antivirus first. Kept getting So I have the RWAnalyzer installed to. I downloaded about 40 real nice old cars last night. Some I have never seen before anywhere so that's cool. Then I unlocked all the ones that needed it, and then I converted all the txd files to .tga files so now I am ready to start converting. This is gonna be fun. Gonna do a 1941 Chevy first, then I got a real nice 69 Camaro Z28 with lots of detail.
I couldn't get the textures to open with the Pontiac nomad because I didn't know how to convert the txd file. With your help, Cherokee, I am now able to get them, so I may go back and redo it with the textures. You have been so much help. Thanks for it. I just love old cars. There are hundreds of them out there for free. I am working on it!!!!!!
Great. Glad the TXDWorkshop is working now. It is fun working with these and converting them. Just remember, some of the cars look good on those sites but when converted, they may not come out looking as good. I got a 1960 Cadillac convert. and it looked great on the site but when I unlocked it and loaded it in ZModeler, the mesh was really screwed.
Like I said before, got any questions, feel free to ask.
So it only costs $22.00? The last I saw, it was way more than that!
So it only costs $22.00? The last I saw, it was way more than that!
They dropped the price.
I see that, I think I may be able to justify it, so will be looking into that today.
That's cool. I've been having fun with it for years now and I think music and you will too. You really should check it out.
Thanks for all your help are the conversion King! Gone to get some more classocs!
Thanks music,
I look at it like this, why should I have all the fun. If you remember from the old forums, I went into this one time before but no one seems to have grasp it. Glad it's working now.