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Don't know why I'm not getting any notifications when someone replies to this thread.
Here's a new project car for Sue!
Nice! What will she do with it?
Nice! What will she do with it?
DanaDon't you mean, "what will she do TO it?" :-P
All of the above! ;-)
Here is another one I did of usherstang's 61 Impala.
:-) very nice clean two tone you should check out the 1958 impala i uploaded. heres the link
Bettie of the Month for October 2013
Very nice!
I need to know what version of Blender you use and that DFF import/export script you use.
I did have Blender 2.64 but that was before I changed computers when the old on died. I had to download Blender 2.68a but can't find the DFF import/export script that will work with the newer version.
I'm using Blender 2.63, I know that its frustrating, everyone keeps updating everything, especially when things work, then they make sure it doesn't work, I don't even remember where I got the dff importer!
One thing you might look into, some cars just won't import into Blender, and you have to go back to the other program you were using, Z Modeler.
I'm using Blender 2.63, I know that its frustrating, everyone keeps updating everything, especially when things work, then they make sure it doesn't work, I don't even remember where I got the dff importer!
One thing you might look into, some cars just won't import into Blender, and you have to go back to the other program you were using, Z Modeler.
Thanks Betsey,
I always use ZModeler says it's locked for one vehicle I want to try. RWAnalyze shows it unlocked it but when I finally get it open in ZModeler, the mesh is screwed. Blender will open the original model without unlocking it (I remember that from when the other computer was working). Problem is, I can't find the DFF import/export script I used before.
Thanks Betsey,
I always use ZModeler says it's locked for one vehicle I want to try. RWAnalyze shows it unlocked it but when I finally get it open in ZModeler, the mesh is screwed. Blender will open the original model without unlocking it (I remember that from when the other computer was working). Problem is, I can't find the DFF import/export script I used before.
Oh, okay, I don't know where the script is for Blender either off hand, while they are improving Blender all the time, I know it is on a website somewhere, I don't remember if it was in this thread or in the original thread when that finally came about, I know I have the script installer somewhere on one of my flash drives, since that was a pretty recent development for Blender.
I do understand some about not wanting newer versions of certain programs, I still use the original version of Sketchup8, since the obj exporter won't work with newer versions!
I've decided to look through the old forums to see if I can find where we had talked about this before but, my word, that thing is so slow.
And, you know, some of those old renders still look pretty good. I wish there was a way to just download the old forum with pictures.
I've decided to look through the old forums to see if I can find where we had talked about this before but, my word, that thing is so slow.
And, you know, some of those old renders still look pretty good. I wish there was a way to just download the old forum with pictures.
I wasn't able to import the dff files until like last year, so it might just be in the earlier posts in this thread.
I know it was recent and after the new forum was back up!
Sue's 56 Chebby Nomad Project!
Tell her to keep clear of Tim the toolman we know what he did to his wife's Nomad
That must have been before I started watching that show. Maybe I'll catch up someday...either catch the box set DVDs or maybe it will show up in the Comcast/Xfinity OnDemand line-up.
Here's a Ford Cobra
Very nice. I bet someone "rendered" a lot of money for that! :)
Here is another one I did of usherstang's 61 Impala.
:-) very nice clean two tone you should check out the 1958 impala i uploaded. heres the link
Nice...shame we can't get the file in .skf format. Really nice.
I've decided to look through the old forums to see if I can find where we had talked about this before but, my word, that thing is so slow.
And, you know, some of those old renders still look pretty good. I wish there was a way to just download the old forum with pictures.
You and me both!
Betsy...seems like I remember you talking about the script you got that would let you use your Blender for .ttf files. Been a while though.
I wasn't able to import the dff files until like last year, so it might just be in the earlier posts in this thread.
I know it was recent and after the new forum was back up!
Yes it was.
Okay, for Cherokee, here is the site that I got my dff importer for blender from,
Leme guess...Modo!
1953 Cadillac Eldorado
I found this model as a freebie HERE. It comes in XSI and OBJ, the obj is untextured but has plenty of material zones.
Don't know much about cars but I like rendering them, especially the older ones with the great lines and curves.
Nice render and find. And perfect timing too, I was just now looking for a nice freebie to work with. Thanks for sharing!!!
Nice render and find. And perfect timing too, I was just now looking for a nice freebie to work with. Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you and my pleasure. If you extract the xsi zip there are a few image maps in the pictures folder that will come in handy.
Have fun ;-)
WOW! Nice find! Hey thanks for the link. I love links! Need more of them up in here.
Super car...lets go play.
Hey that's a nice background prop. Where did ya get it?
Also...the windshield is too much need to set the opacity back to about can't see through it.
I tell ya...these old Caddys...huge cars...and that grill looks just like a wild animal with tusks comin' right at Gotta love it.
You mean THIS nomad?....If you look at the pics of it destroyed, you will see that THIS is only a model of it. If you look to the bottom of each photo, you can see writing on the postboard under it. Also, that is a very small piece of carpet it is sitting on. NOT REAL FOLKS!
So...the Nomad is still intact.....WHEW! Close huh? ARRRR ARRRR ARRRR.