Torprin Tower - what are those cliffs?
In the nighttime promos for Torprin Tower, what are those cliffs that are making up the landscape? Are they from a product that exists?
I got the tower, it is very cool, I love that it has both ruined and non-ruined versions, plus a very fine oak tree I didn't realize I was getting!
1000 x 1300 - 226K
It looks a little like the The Top of The World Easy Environment to me, but I can't be sure....
Edit: after checking, it may well not be this one, but it's still a great cliff package.
Thank you for looking, canberra_boy. I agree, it doesn't look quite like it, but is a good set.
I really like the sort of sharp cliff edges that there appear to be in the tower promos, and what looks like a very nice, fine-grained texture.
Have you looked at Parkside Point Ground ? It almost looks like two of the cliffs placed one behind the other. I don't think it is, there are slight differences, but it is close.
There are also 2 other possibilities..
a) whatever cliff set was used could be turned on it's side or rotated in a manner other than default.
b) the tower/water is scaled way down and using only a small fraction of a bigger cliff prop.
I'm wondering if it could be this
@Gusf1 - Thanks, I thought about whether it might be Parkside point ground with a different texture. I do have that, and there are similarities, but I don't think it's it ...unless, it's tilted oddly as Vaskania says, and—i think—has a modified texture (the tower cliff's texture looks more vertically striated to me)
@Vakania, yeah that is a line of thinking I've gone down, and it could well be... I don't think so much that it's scaled down/up, mainly just due to how nice the texture looks at the size in the promo, but could be there's more going on there, some adjustments added, etc.
@scorpio - an interesting lead! I wish that product that showed more pictures of itself. The cliff in the tower pics appears less scalloped along the face, and doesn't look quite so rounded on the lip, but some of the cracks and striations in the texture look close, maybe it can morph into that shape....
Looks to me like it is that morphing cliff pack, but possibly turned around so the scalloping is facing away from the camera. Try to imagine the view at the top right of that promo image turned around 180 degrees.
Also, you could PM Orestes and ask him what he used. I've seen him here on the forum, so PMing him might be the way to go to be sure of what he used in that promo.