Embarassing question....(mature I guess)
Posts: 711
Okay I probably will not get answers here but....
Aside from reg art
I do sometimes do erotic art....
and I was wondering, is there any place other than Renderotica to find...you know...erotic..stuff?
I...don't know if it's legal to ask for what I want on here so I will not.
If someone has to know though, I guess I will say it, if it is legal to say on here.
But I'm not looking for poses.
I'm looking for parts.
PM sent! :)
sometimes models and props can be found on devaintart and there are plenty of vendors who have their own websites where they don't do a lot of Puritan financed commission work but you might want to Google something specific before I sent you on a wild goose chase.
there used to be maleposerotica, but I think their site is having some trouble right now.
I also don't think it's a particularly embarrassing question. Erotic art is a part - a big part presumably - of the uses of the products one can buy here. So I would think it's a legitimate question.
We're on a site, after all, that finds putting male characters in female clothes the most hilarious thing ever. Still. After years of doing it. Well, that and that one joke about the Millennium cow we keep repeating. I think the bar for 'embarrassing' is pretty low :D