Toy Soliders and Paper Ballerinas
Toy Soliders and Paper Ballerinas
Episode One of my project to teach myself Carrara and 3D modeling/animation. All was done from scratch in Carrara.
I'm curious what some real experts in Carrara think of it...
900 x 506 - 434K
Cryan, that is a really nice start! So even the text was done in Carrara? While the text covers some of the image, it has a very nice "feel" to it. Reminds me of "Toyland" like images, or props on a stage? Is that the intent? Also, the lighting (between the hills) and of the trees has a nice effect!
Maybe you could say a little bit about the story you're putting this to?
Excellent start! I want to see more!
The text was simple text-layers applied in video editing -- not sure I'd consider that 'real' animation. Yes, it's a toy world. The snowball, spiders and volcanic eruptions were the challenges. Episode Two is under way...
Well, until a real Carrara expert issues an opinion – I will give you mine.
As someone who has dabbled in the creation of some short animations, I can see how much time and effort you have put into this! Furthermore I find it truly laudable that you have created all the models used therein, especially since I can not even create a cube.
I really enjoyed this animation and found it to be excellent. I definitely experienced envy in regards to your skills and effort.
Thank you for sharing and I look forward to the next installment.
Edited to add: FD posted while I was preparing what I thought was the first response to your post, so please disregard my first sentence.
Wow, very cool! I agree, excellent start and very fun :)
So, kakman, I shouldn't take this as a personal snipe to my expertise?? ;)
Really nice and whimsical!
great work :-) - you are having to much fun !
I think its a great start. Keep up the progress and show us more as you progress. I think this sort of style is always welcomed to view for all. I like it.
Cryan, well I aint no expert neither but here's my homble upinion.
The vid is spliffing good!
I even watched it to the end and I have the attention span of an amoeba - so that says something.
I like the way you have sorted out the shots, long shots close ups etc, and varied them. The timing of everything is excellnt - a lot of people give us a a fifty second title and credits and a two second avi tacked on. But your little chapter texts etc are just the right length.
There's drama, snakes , chicks in dresses romance, men in tight pants and comedy, Love it (i can leave the men n tight pants) ,
My only suggestion is maybe use a bezier tweener on the camera movements to ameilorate the abruptness of the camera movement.
And also a few fades will soften the transitions between shots.
great stuff, you should be very happy
welcome to Carrara land :)
Thanks, everyone. I'll definitely look at tweeners on the camera movements. In the meantime, on to Episode Two!
That is really good - love the style and your action is beautiful. What I think would make it better is to have seen more of the interaction between the soldier and the ballerina - sort of lingering moments of attraction - maybe a bit more of the dancing scene. Also more connection between scenes.
I know that in animation seconds are precious, but that would have made for better continuity.
Great video - keep it up - looking forward to seeing more :)
Thats the best bit of fun i've seen in ages and i found myself smiling all the way through.
A couple of bits of input would be these:
1. Further to Head Wax's idea of using tweeners to smooth the movements of the camera:-
Do your basic camera moves in the normal way so the camera is where you want it and
pointing in the direction you want it to be at each key point in your sequence/clip and then
hit the Graph Editor (assuming you have the Pro version) Here you have much more control
than any tweener will give you. A lot of users are a little scared of the Graph Editor but a
little time playing in here and you'll soon see how powerful it is and what it can do for you.
2. Your Lava fountains are going a little too fast. Obviously you have a great little fantasy
world going on there and real world realism may not be the 100% goal but if you moved the
end keyframe of your particle object further along the timeline then the particles would move
slower and will appear more at home in the environment they are in.
Gallant effort there Cryan, every episode you do will teach you heaps, i look forward to the
next installment for sure, Keep up the good work.