VWD Carrara Users - how would you like to see the VWD cloth sim improved? Have your say.

For those who don't know, VWD is a wonderful cloth (and hair sim developed by a French gentleman named Gérald Contesse.
VWD stands for Virtual Word Dynamics.
Mr Contesse is constantly developing ths sim and I know quite a few Carrara users are using it so I wondered if people would like to say how they would like to see VWD improved?
Nothing like a litle feedback so the developer knows where to spend his energies.
thanks in advance :)
Post edited by Headwax on
Ah thanks for that. I'll pass those comments onto Gérald.
cheers from Oz
not sure if I have the latest version but should probably check
it's certainly a valuable addition to the Carrara workflow
I even use it in DAZ studio in preference to dforce a lot of the time
thanks Wendy, just getting a feel
Oh, hey, sorry for not responding sooner. I use VWD on a regular basis. Excellent. Pass along my thanks and praise to Gerald.
Inviting suggestions for improvment?
- Hmmmm, (pauses to ponder), sometimes the resulting new mesh is cut along the UV seams (at least that is where I think the cuts occur). Is there a way to make sure that the new mesh remains welded?
- Not sure how to phrase this, but I'd like it to be easier to interrupt a sim that isn't going as desired, make a small adjustment, and start over without exiting VWD and restarting. Or, maybe I'm just not expert enough yet and that already exists.
- This may have been addressed in the newest version, but there has been a practical limitation on name length or the program stalls. This is especially a problem if items are contained in a group because the group name is appended as a prefix to the item name. For example, if I create a group named M4 Group, that contains the M4 figure and a custom cape entitled M4 Cape, the VWD program attempts to load the cape as "M4 Group : M4 Cape" or something similar. This can cause problems because long item names sometimes cause VWD to go haywire.
thanks Ted for the valuable feedback.
VWD is on my shopping list, don't know if it will be a Christmas pressie to myself yet. Everyones results look great.
Is it Macintosh compatible yet?
Thanks Bunyip02 :) Certainly worth it. As valuable a plugin there is I think. Has a few idio - synchrasees :) - but once you are aware of them everythong is ao okay
I usually leave everything at default and (usually) get a result without fiddling
de3an - looks like windows only sorry :(
Well then, I guess my request for improvement would be cross platform compatibility.
thanks de3an :)
I know this probably isn't plausible, but I agree.
makes a lot of sense widening the possible user base !
+1 for Mac compatibility - it's the reason I've never used VWD.
sorry Tim, just saw this
Still on my must buy list !!!
A Little VWD Usage Help?
I may have forgotten something because I haven't used in a while. My cloth mesh is separated at the seams of my object's UVMap.
Modeled and UVMapped a long sleeve top for G2F in Carrara. Exported the obj to a plugin called Daz Studio and used the transfer utility to convert to a conforming figure. Started a fresh Carrara scene, loaded G2F, and conformed the top. Advanced sequencer 2 seconds and then dial spun my custom character morph on G2F and posed G2F. Went back to first frame. Fired up VWD. Chose G2F as collision object. Chose top as dynamic object. Used vertex selection tools to nail cuffs to collision object. Started new dynamic simulation, which generally appeared to go OK. Sent result to Carrara and closed VWD. So far so good.
Problem, I noticed some sharp edges. In the vertex modeling room for the VWD top (animation mode), I noticed sharp edges where the UVMap seams would be. In the morph-in-animated-position mode, I edited the last morph and found that the sleeve is not connected to the torso.
NOTE - the triangles result from the VWD process, not my original model.
Has anyone else ever observed sharp creases in objects used in VWD?
Don't know if you received an answer to this problem yet, but when you first launch the plugin, there are a couple of options in the first popup window you could tick. One is
"weld duplicate vertices". That solved a similar problem I was having.
Make sure you UNtick that option if there are no UVMap seams involved. I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out why the program subsequently kept telling me my "cloth item does not exist"!
Thanks, really good advice. I will test the weld vertex option the next time I fire up VWD, which should be over the weekend.