►►► Carrara Resources ◄◄◄

I love how Carrara is of the nature where you can do nearly anything you need done in this field, directly within Carrara. But another part of Carrara's magic is how it can work with content made for other software, such as Poser and now, with version 8.5, Daz Studio. Some of us can use all the help we can get, either because of our time limitations or simply because we really want to direct more than create, or any number of other reasons. I know that many people, myself included, are always on the look out for helpful products that we can add to Carrara to make our lives easier and our experiences more fun, more productive, more artistic, and so on. I also get asked about where to find 'this' or 'that' that is either made for Carrara, or that includes files that work specifically for Carrara. So I've decided to create yet another index-styled list for use in helping myself and others find Carrara stuff - without having to rely on the Search feature here in the store. Sometimes we're not exactly sure what we're looking for, and would rather browse through various availabilities - perhaps for an idea on what to get in the future, or perhaps what to make for ourselves.
Such a resource will certainly require a good bit of updating to keep current with what's available. If you know of items either for Carrara or that come with Carrara settings for ease of use in Carrara, please post what you know in this thread to help out the cause and I'll do my best to get this main post updated. Since it is against the TOS of these forums to provide links to competitor store's sites or products, please respect this within.
We also have the wonderful Carrara Plugins FAQ & Information - By Jay_NOLA to help to find out more about plugins for Carrara. Thanks Jay!
► Carrara Plugins FAQ & Information - By Jay_NOLA
Jay compilled and organized a great measure of info regarding Plugins specific to our
beloved Carrara. FAQ, Information and Links to help you determine which are right for you. Thank You Jay_NOLA!
► Carrara Cafe List of Carrara Resources!
► BVH/PZ2 Exporter for Carrara by Fenric
► Pose Helper for Carrara by Fenric
► Carrara Enhanced Remote Control by Fenric
► Pose and Shading Tools 2 by Fenric
► MDD File Format for Carrara by Fenric
► Posing Pack 3 by Fenric
► Advance Pack by Inagoni (set of 6 incredible plugins)
► ArchiTools for Carrara by Inagoni
► Luxus for Carrara by Spheric Labs
► Props for Landscape Scenes: 15 Shaders for Exteriors by magaremoto
► Digital Painters Shaders by Ringo Monfort
► DP Veloute Materials For Carrara by Ringo Monfort
► DigitalPainters Shaders Vol II by Ringo Monfort
► DigitalPainters Shader Bundle by Ringo Monfort
► DigitalPainters Shaders Vol III by Ringo Monfort
► DP Ultimate Carrara Bundle by Ringo Monfort
► DP Carrara Master Collection Shaders by Ringo Monfort
► DeCarlo's BlueprintsEzine - Donation-Ware Shaders by Rebecca DeCarlo
____ Elven Silk shaders
____ Elven Stockings shaders
____ AcryLatex shaders
____ Natural Suede shaders
____ Buffed Leather shaders
____ Rough Leather shaders
____ Soft Leather shaders
____ SnakeSkin shaders
____ Super Shiny shaders
► Crista Hair by PhilW
► Paige Hair by PhilW
► Sidelong Hair by PhilW
► Dynamic Skye Hair by PhilW
► Addison Hair for Carrara by PhilW
► ModaCuts AtoE by DAZ 3D & AprilYSH
► ModaCuts Expansion Pack by Ringo Monfort
► Destroyer HMS August by Phillip Drawbridge (Star Ship)
► SUB Mariner by Phillip Drawbridge (Submarine Vessel)
► Deep Space Heavy Cruiser by Phillip Drawbridge (Star Ship)
► AH-9200X - Fast Attack Aircraft by Phillip Drawbridge (Aircraft)
► HMS Fairborne by Phillip Drawbridge (Star Ship)
► Monolithic Supercomputers by Tim Payne
► DeCarlo's BlueprintsEzine - Donation-Ware Props by Rebecca DeCarlo
____ Dancing Moon Carrara Prop
Scenes and Scenery
► Studio Paris by Age of Armour
► Starry Sky for Carrara by Dartanbeck
► Carrara EnvironKit - Woodlands by Dartanbeck
► Carrara EnvironKit - Underwater Realms by Dartanbeck
► the Corner in Box by GKDantas
► Country Lane by Howie Farkes
► Country Lane Hedgerow by Howie Farkes
► Country Lane - Bundle by Howie Farkes
► Country Lane 2 by Howie Farkes
► Country Lane 2 - Autumnia by Howie Farkes
► Country Lane 2 - Bundle by Howie Farkes
► Country Lane - Super Bundle by Howie Farkes
► Secret Lake by Howie Farkes
► Secret Lake Seasons by Howie Farkes
► Secret Lake - Bundle by Howie Farkes
► Maple Meadows by Howie Farkes
► Stoney Creek by Howie Farkes
► Stoney Creek Beechdale by Howie Farkes
► Stoney Creek Sprucevale by Howie Farkes
► Stoney Creek Bundle by Howie Farkes
► World Gardens Japan by Howie Farkes
► World Gardens Japan Seasons by Howie Farkes
► World Gardens Japan Bundle by Howie Farkes
► World Gardens Byodo In by Howie Farkes
► World Gardens Maze by Howie Farkes
► Forest Drive by Howie Farkes
► Valle Alpina by Howie Farkes
► Darkwald by Howie Farkes
► Noble Pines by Howie Farkes
► Props for Landscape Scenes: The Beach by magaremoto
► Hi res Spherical Sets by magaremoto
► Picnic Table and Fire Pit Grille by mmoir
► Stone & Boulder Pack by mmoir
► Replicator Grass Pack by mmoir
► Dining Room Table & Chairs by mmoir
► Old Country Houses by mmoir
► Old Country Houses Xtension Pak by mmoir
► Carrara's Mystic Gorge by mmoir
► Carrara's BMF Landscape Pack by mmoir
► Carrara's BMF Winter Pak by mmoir
► Carrara BMF Clouds and Tropics by mmoir
► Carrara's Waldon Park by mmoir
► Carrara's Island Butte Cafe by mmoir
► Tectonics Evolved Vol 1 by Orestes Graphics
► Tectonics Evolved Vol 2 Sci Fi by Orestes Graphics
► Tectonics Evolved Vol 3 Fantasy by Orestes Graphics
► An English Village by PhilW
► Carrara Fantasy Village by PhilW
► Orange Street by 3DAGE
► Carrara Vista In the Clouds by 3D Celebrity
► RADIUS by 3DLust
► Sirius Labs by 3DLust
Plants/Plant related
► Real Leaves 1 for Carrara by GKDantas
► Real Leaf 2 MegaPack by GKDantas
► Arboretum Volume 1 by Howie Farkes
► Arboretum Volume 2 by Howie Farkes
► Atmospheric Clouds HDRI Pack One by Dimension Theory
► Atmospheric Clouds HDRI Pack Two by Dimension Theory
► Luminance Lighting Pack For Carrara by Dimension Theory
► Cloud Nine Atmospheric Clouds For Carrara by Dimension Theory
► Cloud Nine Lighting Solutions by Dimension Theory
► Cloud Nine - Clouds and Lights Bundle by Dimension Theory
► Cloud Nine 2D Cloud Domes by Dimension Theory
► 8 Atmospheres and Clouds for Carrara by magaremoto
► Carrara CloudDomes by PhilW
► Carrara Realistic Seas by PhilW
► RM Realistic Sky Presets by Ringo Monfort
► Carrara Skies Volume 1 by Tim Payne
► Carrara Skies Volume 2 by Tim Payne
► Carrara Skies Bundle by Tim Payne
► Carrara Skies Lightdomes 1 by Tim Payne
► Carrara Skies Lightdomes 2 by Tim Payne
► HDRI Celestial Skies 1 by 3DLust
► Lighting 2 Life Light Gels for Carrara by Dimension Theory
► Neon Glow Lights for Carrara by Dimension Theory
► Winter Gels For Carrara by Dimension Theory
► Gel Master Pack For Carrara by Dimension Theory
► GI Dome 1 by GKDantas
► GI Dome 2 HDRI by GKDantas
► GIDome Portraits by GKDantas
► GIDome Holes Full by GKDantas
► GIDome Ultimate by GKDantas
► Lighting Presets for Architectural Visualization by magaremoto
► Lighting Presets for Interior Visualization by magaremoto
► Carrara Portrait Studio by PhilW
Character Shaders
► Carraracters Delphinia by Dimension Theory
► the SSS by GKDantas
► Toon Generation 4 by GKDantas
► GKD Skin Ultimate (V4) by GKDantas
► GKD Skin Ultimate M4 by GKDantas
► Bright Eyes for Carrara by PhilW
► DP - Carrara Shaders For Aiko 5 by Ringo Monfort
► Carrara Skin Shaders For David 5 by Ringo Monfort
► DP Victoria 6 Carrara Shaders by Ringo Monfort
► DP The Girl 6 Carrara Shaders by Ringo Monfort
► DP Gia 6 Carrara Shaders by Ringo Monfort
► DP Genesis 2 Female(s) Shaders Bundle by Ringo Monfort
► DP Teen Josie 6 Carrara Shaders by Ringo Monfort
► Free Carrara A3 V3 Procedural Skin Shaders by evilproducer
► Free Carrara V4 Procedural Skin Shader and hair by evilproducer
Character/Figure Accessories
► Professional Video Camera by Age of Armour
► Swashbuckler Boots for V4 by Age of Armour
► Swashbuckler Boots for M4 by Age of Armour
► Skulduggery by Age of Armour (M4, V4 & Kids 4 Halloween Makeup & Acc)
► dB Animation Kit 1 for Millennium Dragon 2 by Dartanbeck
► Dragonfly AMU by 3DLust
3D Painting
► Scratches Brushes for Carrara by GKDantas
► DigitalPainters 3DPaint Brushes by Ringo Monfort
► DP-3DPaint Brushes Bundle by Ringo Monfort
► DP 3DPaintBrushes III by Ringo Monfort
Learning Material
► Learning Carrara 8 Hosted by Phil Wilkes - by Infinite Skills
► Advanced Carrara Techniques Hosted by Phil Wilkes - by Infinite Skills
This is very much just the beginnings - as you can tell - gotta go for now :)
Artists included so far (please let me know if I'm missing anyone - I'm starting alphabetically)
Their names link to their stores
* Although "Shop by Vendor" lists numbers at the end, I placed them before the alphabetical list
► 3D Celebrity
► 3DLust
► Age of Armour
► Dartanbeck
► DeCarlo's BlueprintsEzine
► Dimension Theory
► Phillip Drawbridge (drawbridgep)
► Fenric
► GKDantas
► Howie Farkes
► Inagoni
► Infinite Skills
► Larsen
► magaremoto
► mmoir
► Orestes Graphics
► PhilW
► Ringo Monfort
► Spheric Labs
► Tim Payne
Of course, there are many free Carrara products out there as well.
Indigone has the Endless Eyes kit and other stuff at her ShareCG account, as well as many other useful things:
3Dage (Andy, come back!) has some lovely things in his ShareCG account:
DAZ's own GKDantas has some nice stuff at ShareCG as well:
I also have an account with some free stuff as well. Some of it is meant as learning aids from past forum discussions and aren't very polished. Others are more finished, such as the Fantasy Village Terrain™, released before Phil's set. (Still waitin' on those licensing residuals Phil! ;-) )
onya dart and evil :)
two more
Mmoir http://www.daz3d.com/mmoir
Larsen : http://www.daz3d.com/larsen
thanks evil for the linkys prod ;)
Linkys? ;-)
Linkys? ;-)I know where they are :)
I just didn't get that far alphabetically yet ;)
I seem to remember a guy that goes by "Dartanbeck" that has some nice stuff in the store
I always (and purposely) include myself last. Thank you for the wonderful compliment!
Okay, I think that's it - until and update is required. Unless I've accidentally skipped something, these are all I know of in the DAZ store. Please inform me if I missed something.
Thanks. Very valuable! This thread should become sticky!
It is: ►►► Carrara Information Manual ◄◄◄
it's listed under: ► Forum Help Links
But I'll add it right to the main index, too. ;)
Edit: Done! it's right on top under the Table of Contents :)
Oh... and... you're welcome ;) My pleasure!
very useful found a few things i didnt know about , a great help
Lets not forget Digital Carvers Guild.
Anything goos plug in.
Anything grows plug in.
Anything grooves plug in.
Cognito plug in.
Enhance C plug in.
Ground control plug in.
Shader Ops plug in.
Shader ops 2 plug in.
Shaders plus plug in
Terrain tools plug on
Toon pro plug in
Wireframe pro plug in
Noir plug in
Parchment plug in.
Project Gemini plug in.
For off site plugins and such, I was referring readers to :
► Carrara Plugins FAQ & Information - By Jay_NOLA
Jay compilled and organized a great measure of info regarding Plugins specific to our
beloved Carrara. FAQ, Information and Links to help you determine which are right for you. Thank You Jay_NOLA!
I love Supersuits and all the fun things I can do with it in DAZ. Unfortunately it does not work in Carrara. Is there a Supersuit planned for Carrara or some plugin or import procedure that will allow me to create Carrara characters with Supersuits?
Just curious
I hope my work is good enough to make the list.
Thanx for the work you've given the Carrara community! -Rebecca
Could always beat you if you dont do it, would that help remind you? :lol:
Rebecca, please see your listings under Shaders and Models -
I tried a few methods of displaying it - and I'm wondering if what I've done is cool, or if you have a better idea?
Nice compilation, Dartanbeck. All the data in the world is useless if nobody can find it. I've bookmarked it. I wouldn't know there was this much available for Carrara if I hadn't seen your list.
IMO, the most useful thing that can be done to keep your list updated wouldn't require much effort from you at all. Set up a link checker to run on it automatically, and notify you of broken links. With this many links, some will be broken in less than a month. Just a thought. Thanks for your work.
Please let me know if any links are broken.
I do know that I already have a pile of updating to do to the list - especially Howie Farkes and Ringo Monfort, and I know at least some from Phil Wilkes.
Your webmaster has unattended scripts that can validate links anywhere on the site on a continuing basis. It's free. :-)
Good evening Sir,
I think you've done a wonderful job of listing my rather confusing collections
I have added Ruche shaders Typ 1 + 2, and about an hour ago I added Knits.
Don't worry about updating me yet though because if all goes well I will be
adding Velvet tomorrow, and I'm close to perfecting Angora - or giving up on it!
Fuzzy Angora is a nightmare! I also have a Linen in the works, and maybe
Ruche 3 + 4..... Many ideas.
I will also be doing some textures for outfits around the end of January,
haven't decided if they should be shaders, or Carrara + DAZ Studio + Poser
friendly texture maps, right now they are in map format. I use Photoshop and
the Stitch Witch to make them.
If you have a suggestion on the final format, it would be greatly appreciated.
Bye for now, and thanx!!! - Rebecca De Carlo aka NexySaloon
But I haven't had much trouble with that, to my knowledge.
That's awesome! You totally R O C K ! ! !
Isn't the Carrara Texture Room one of the most fun places in the whole world?!!! I just love it - and I still have a whole lifetime and more to learn in it! :)
Speaking of learning, one of the very many things that I really love about Carrara is the fact that I can do so much for my projects without even leaving Carrara. I've even gone so far as to use lights to act as post work! LOL
But lately I've really been having a blast practicing my modeling skills in the assembly room, and decided to try and paint my models using the 3d paint tools. Wow! What a Blast!!!
In that endeavor, I cannot say enough about UV Mapping. Without good UV, painting can be less than predictable in spots. Luckily for me, UV Map editing is what started me into 3d in the first place - so I have a pretty good feel for that.
I noticed that, when things start to seem a little wacky and out of control in the UV Edit mode, just zoom in a bit - as much as you can while still being able to work. Smooths the tool right out. Same goes with some of the modeling tools. But now I'm having so much fun paint my own texture maps directly in Carrara! I still add more and tweak them out a bit in Dogwaffle, but the one I'm working on today didn't need any of that yet. It's looking really cool. I bought the Scratches from GKDantas, who just converted Ron's Scratches to Carrara. Now I just bought the lot of Ringo's brushes. Just freaking cool! Scaling the size of the brush scales the tool texture. Along with falloff and opacity, smoothness and so on - it's just amazing what can be done. And you can layer as well. I still have so much to learn in Carrara, I'm glad that I already have a good handle on how to use it for what I actually bought it for! LOL Because I'll be learning new things out of this vast app for the rest of my life - and I'm still a fairly young feller! :)
Now I'm also going to be making some clothes for the new Genesis models and I want to use the displacement painting for sculpting in high resolutions. Thank goodness for the RAM capabilities of 64 bit! I think that the 3d painting takes a goodly amount of RAM as well. Dog gone, am I ever having fun, though. This sort of thing reminds me about how excited I was when I first started playing with it. So Cool!
Babble Babble... that's me, eh? ;)
Take care... and thanks for your awesome creations!
But I haven't had much trouble with that, to my knowledge.
I would not have suggested it, Dartanbeck, if I hadn't seen two or three broken links on the DAZ site last month. If I recall, they were in the documentation section.
But I don't sell scripts! :lol: Just trying to be helpful.
Wow ! A nice collection list for carrara here.
and here a link list with many freebies: http://www.carraracafe.com/forum-3/?cid=1&show=713
Thanks for detail list.