Has anyone succesfully unsubscribed from DAZ newsletters?
natrix natrix
Posts: 0
My account dashboard says "You are currently not subscribed to any newsletter", and yet I get them all.
Is there a way out of this, except to commit DAZ to my spam filter?
I am currently subscribed to "General subscription" and I've never received a single one :lol:
Evidently, the site's software has still some bugs, even after more than a year since the change... I think those are regarded as minor problems and they simply don't care about them
They do care. Believe me they do do care. For a start Offers, Promotions and coupons are sent out using emails, so of course it matters if people don't receive them. Equally they don't want to think people are getting emails if they have specifically said they don't want them, for whatever reason.
DO let them know that you are having a problem. If they can help, then they will, if it is something iin their power to do. However they can't do anything until they know you are having a problem.
At the bottom of the emails there is an unsubscribe link which is different to the one that is still used on the website.
If you click on the link in the email you will be taken to a new page and be unsubscribed properly.
Ha! Cool!
Thanks :)