CJ-Studio in PA sale today or not?
According to the sales-promotions page, Ideal Beauty: Gia 6 Addon is one of today's PA Festival new releases and CJ-Studio is one of today's featured artists 'save on these artists' entire stores'.
However, Ideal Beauty: Gia 6 Addon is showing up as the normal 30% off a new product instead of the 50% off for PC members all the other new products today are (I am a PC member), and none of the other products on the CJ-Studio page are showing anything off at all.
So which is it? Could this be sorted out so either all the CJ-Studio items show the correct 50% off for PC members today if they are part of the festival, or the new item today and the PA are removed from the sales-promotions page if they are not part of the festival. Thanks.
This was noted and reported a while ago, and they are working on it