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It's the Christmas Season now so I am going to relax for the remaining days of this year and listen to "old radio" ghost and supernatural episodes, watch my favorite Christmas and Fantasy movies and TV shows, and maybe old serials like Rocketman, read some, and listen to Christmas music classics like the Nutcracker loud.
If I get a burst of energy, which is rare these days, I will place my old "dead ?" desktop on a wood table to find out if it is actually in a coma. The hard drive may have crashed, or gotten stuck, or whatever, so I will check that, etc.
I had Carrara loaded in my 2012 laptop, but whenever I tried rendering with it, or just adding some models the core temperatures starting getting way too hot.
Thanks for all your help.
I attached a photo of the California Surfing Santa
Hi Flash :)
The idea behind the design of the Home Computer was that the User should be able to simply change, (upgrade) parts as needed.
Building a PC from parts is the cheapest and Simplest option,. even if you've never assembled anything, and have no idea what electricity is,.
the parts ONLY fit one way,. the connections are "click" in place, or a small screw to attach the part to the motherboard or case,.
Motherboads come with a printed sheet of simple (step by step) instructions,.. with diagrams. :)
most other components also come with some type of instructions with diagrams
Memory clips into place (one way),. Cards fit and click into place only one way,. electronic connectors are male/female connectors. so it's impossible to wrongly connect anything
I've never bought a prebuilt system.
3drendero, "Thermaltake Massive V20 Laptop Cooler" They accept Paypal Credit, too. Thanks!
I have Painter 8, and Gimp, loaded up in my laptop and what I can do is use them to create sketches of ideas for future Carrara renders.
3DAGE , I could probably assemble the parts into a working desktop without trouble if I load myself up with a nicotine tablet, or caffiene pilll to stay alert.
Money, and not enough of it, is the biggst obstacle right now and even 700 dollars seems like a fortune. However, things may change in the next few months. I have a cousin in Texas who repairs home and small business computers for a living I have been reluctant to contact him until now. The last time we met was at my mother's funeral wake over 20 years ago.
if you purchase a motherboard/processor/ram "bundle",(most parts suppliers offer those).. that could be a couple of hundred bucks,. and that's the base of your system.
next month, or when you can afford to,. then you can buy a graphics card,. or hard drive, or whatever parts you need.,
rather than spending a huge amount at once.
contact you cousin,. he should be able to help.
there's not much fun in funerals