modo 601 vs Carrara?

Luxology just released modo 601. Cost $1195.
How does our beloved Carrara Pro stack up against one of the big boys for less than half the price? (Even less if you don't get Pro.)
- Jasen.
P.S. New forums. *sigh* Is there a way to get to the old content? I realize a clean break is occasionally needed to clean out the clutter, but you also lose a lot of good history.
Yes, thankfully it is still all here:
I think I'll start downloading all the old threads that I've bookmarked
just as a back up.
BTW, Modo looks like a great program, but can't justify getting it.
Carrara is still the best all around 3D app for the money.
I use both applications and I will be upgrading to the latest modo 601 release. They are targeting a different market. modo 601 is more gear towards professionals in the video and film industry and it has features that are fully developed to get the job done. Carrara Pro can do lots of things but not all features are fully develop as they should have such the modeling, 3D painting and rigging tools just to name a few.
I've been upgrading my modo with each release. 401 and 501 I didn't use all that much. Even though 601 has more new features than 401 and 501 combined, I'm going to upgrade when 701 comes out since the price will be the same. I can't afford to be upgrading software I don't use all that much. In the last year, I think I've only used modo 501 for just rendering.
it also depends on what you want to accomplish as well as
what your budget is.
You may also want to consider Blender 2.63 (free), or ZBrush4 ($579 at Novedge, free upgrades).
I have 601 as well as Carrara 8. Love them both, use them for different tasks. I will probably continue to do my modeling in Modo, as I don't think the Carrara modeler is quite up to snuff yet.
Both renderers are great, but the iterative rendering in Modo is very helpful.
Both great applications, can't go wrong with either one.
I am in doubt about this. I have both apps, but have hardly used modo 601 so far. Carrara has a real NLE for the animations, as far as I can see and understand, modo has not. In Carrara you can within minutes dress, pose and make a realistic character walk in a realistic way, using Aniblocks, Motoblocks, etc. I cannot see this in modo.
> fully developed to get the job done
I am not sure what job you mean here.
I would love to explore more og modo's features and capabilities, especially to what extent it can be used together with Carrara. I am also curious why so many seem to use modo fro rendering, even animated scenes made in Lightwave are rendered in modo.. but are the animated files compatible at all?
I am in doubt about this. I have both apps, but have hardly used modo 601 so far. Carrara has a real NLE for the animations, as far as I can see and understand, modo has not. In Carrara you can within minutes dress, pose and make a realistic character walk in a realistic way, using Aniblocks, Motoblocks, etc. I cannot see this in modo.
> fully developed to get the job done
I am not sure what job you mean here.
I would love to explore more og modo's features and capabilities, especially to what extent it can be used together with Carrara. I am also curious why so many seem to use modo fro rendering, even animated scenes made in Lightwave are rendered in modo.. but are the animated files compatible at all?
Keep in mind that Carrara can do this to purchase content figures but not so easy to setup and use if you were to model, rig and animate all done in native carrara formats. I have been trying to push DAZ 3D into really adding those features into Carrara so that everything would be done in Carrara and not depend on purchase content or having to rig in DAZ Studio.
I have Modo 601 and while it is a nice release the importation of rigged character leaves a lot to be desired. When you import a poser mode model in a dae format mind you you can alose use fbc converter to import a rigged character with the bones in the proper location mind you it has to be in zero figure and at the first frame. Here is where the kicker is morphs will not come in either format so no expressions all you get is joint movement. This to me is a big deal and makes the whole thing a waste of time.