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Phantasy Star Full Comic just follow link to see the full comic then slide scroll using your cellphone
Phantasy Star 4 chacacters coming soon
The post/sketch effects are a real hit or miss for me as a spectator. Seems very context-specific, as I don't see many styles that I always like.
This one works for me - I think because of the distance from render/photo-real, and the restraint used in the effect.
nicely done,
Starting to get the hang of Iray a little. Here's a quicky I threw together. HSS shader plays well with Iray.
This is about the cutest thing that ever was.
Your girls have a unique quality that is all yours, where they seem somehow to have found a cosmic bridge over from the Anime Manga universe and so have materialized in the "real" world, but retaining all their otherworldly charm.
Fabulous work.
I don't know why you feel "out of place;" something you do breathes a spark of life into your creations—even those you have just in a T-pose. I hope you do more.
When I started with this, he was originally going to be Hiro/M5 mobster. Ended up with an ancient Roman instead?
Thank you! Also thats one of the few times someone has actuly said why/what they like about my work.
As for feeling out of place, some of it's my art style is so diffrent from most of the stuff posted here, also I'm not that big on pop/anime culture, but it's all good.
Well I guess it's a good thing we're cranking out Roman solders. I mean Caesar ain't gonna stab himself!
Phantasy Star Numans
According to scientists, Nefirst was the first result of a product of a mixture of both biomonster and human. However, she was deemed a "failed" experiment and was placed on bounty, in which she was nearly killed. The betrayal soon provoked her to anger and hatred; for her revenge, she raided the Biosystems Lab and the Climate Control, stealing DNA and power from both facilities, therefore gaining control. It was there that she was also able to manipulate the laboratory into producing a massive number of biomonsters and released them on a raid on Motavia for revenge against those who opposed and feared her, thus, setting up the events of Phantasy Star II. By this time, however, another result of the same creation rebelled against the tirade (that being, itself, manifested to be called Nei), and both were completely separated.
Neifirst would later be discovered by a government agent named Rolf and his companions after their arrival of the climate control. She revealed that both hers' and Nei's origins are the same; they are both the result of the completed experiment, each part of one another, and because of this, both became outcasts from society; she also told that Nei cannot survive without her, as both and their lives are physically and mentally connected. She tries to coerce the latter into saying that her name represents "evil" and live by it, but Nei claims that she left her other part both because of the dangers of revenge and did not want to make any of the problem more worst. Neifirst is angered by this and makes her chose to either fight her or leave immediately. The two numans engage into a duel, where Neifirst manages to gain an upper hand on her opponent and defeat her, killing her in process. However, afterwards, she is defeated by Rolf and his comrades, leaving both "sisters" dead and thus ending the biomonster hazard. But because Neifirst was no longer alive, the climate control went berserk and exploded.
The second known Numan, Nei Second AKA as Nei fom Phantasy Star 2, Made and born as a product of a mixture of both human and biomonster created by scientists, Nei was a part of that of a singular creation who grew into a being. However, she was also the counterpart of another like herself, and both became outcasts from society. Because of this, that other part left and sought revenge, and Nei was forced to escape. She was then found and taken in by a kindly elderly couple, who raised her as a daughter. However, a bounty was put on Nei's head, and she was pursued by a ruthless hunter named Darum. This lead to an incident where the home she was living in was burned and her adopted family was killed, forcing her to wander in the Motavian wilderness, until she eventually reached its capital city, Paseo. Upon there, she was beaten and then left behind by another hunter who wanted to make a profit out of her. She was then met by fellow hunter Rudolph Steiner and obtained a claw which is said to once been used by Myau, one of the mystical musk cats to ever lived.
NM=1153 AKA as nNi is a traveller who used to work as a hunter in Aiedo. She has no memory of her past, and has no idea why she looks slightly different from everyone else with her long ears. Since people accuse her of being a monster, she decides to wear a hooded poncho to conceal her ears.
Rudy pick-pockets from Nei in Tiria, which leads to her chasing him until eventually she saves his life from a bio-monster. Touched by the fact she would save him despite his stealing her purse, he decides to pay back Nei in whatever way he can. Nei is certain that a silver, shining dome holds the key to her memories.
Nei used to have a beam claw (similar to a photon claw) for each hand, but the left hand claw broke awhile ago. In exchange for information on the Bio-Dome from Old Man Roy, he gives her a Nei Claw as "change".
Created by Gene in the Bio-Dome, NM-2011 is the ultimate masterpiece of the Neiseries 2000. She has better speed, agility, and damage ability than Nei does. She refers to Nei as “Oneesama”, or “Big Sister”. As a newman, her lifesepan is only 3 or 4 years length. She fights other neitypes in order to bring more meaning to her life. She thinks that if she defeats Nei, who is said to be the best of the NM-1000 series, that will bring more value to her own life.
She fights with a beam claw on each hand.
Rika is a 'newman', a genetically engineered bio-organism based on the genetic information from the Nei prototype 1,000 years earlier, just prior to the 'Great Collaspe'. She is always smiling, happy and a bit naive. And unlike Nei, she doesn't mind it (too much) when people point out her elongated ears.
She was created by Seed, who was the Artificial intelligence overseer of the Bio-Plant (the equivalent of what Gene is to the Bio-Dome). Unlike Gene, though, Seed created Fal so that she could mix in with humans and produce hybrid offspring that are better adapted to handling the conditions on Motavia.
Someone likes their Sega Rpgs. :3
Is a freebie by Casiopea, I use clothes converter for Aiko 3
its a freebie by Casiopea, originally for kururu I use clothes convertor for aiko 3. Here is the link for the Near Me version, just use clothes convertor by evilinnocence nearme to aiko 3
i just found a version of Miku Hatsune but its for Aiko 4 @
Phantasy Star 4
Demi is CYCO by Shukky
Kyra Tierney Aiko 3
Wren M3A3
Some goblin characters I'm working on.
Adventurer/Scout: Rosh Bark Scrambler
Village Militia Member: Blush Battle Rush
Priestess: Gliss Pale Shadow
Grub Herder: Gleam Stone Glow
Random Citizen 01: Jlink Dusk Sky
Random Citizen 02: "John Doe"
@Ethin I commented about them in the Aiko 3 Appreciation thread, but I wanted to leave a comment here too. I think your characters are delightful. :) Blush Battle Rush has the best name ever. lol Both her and Gleam Stone Glow are really cute. Hmmmm Are you dead set on Gleam Stone Glow? I think Glint Stone Glow also has a nice ring to it. Maybe she can have a twin named that. lol :D
Really neat characters. Are they for a comic?