Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 export FBX error with animation
Hi all,
I am a new Daz user and i found out that if i add animation or more than 1 keyed pose into Genesis 3 or Genesis 8 character and export FBX.
The FBX mesh will broken and the pose is not the same.
But with only one pose is all ok.
What did i do wrong or something........
The same process in Genesis and Genesis 2 are fine.
Can anyone help..................><!!!

1787 x 1028 - 406K

1768 x 991 - 429K

387 x 681 - 20K
This type of error occurs when you have exported more than one type of morph, of the same morph . Essentially it's called two or more times by the other application
In the FBX export options, click edit morph export rules, and go through the list to see the doubled one ones. Edit the rules so only 1 instance of each is actually exported
That screenshot looks like motionbuilder. You can also click directly on the mesh in the viewport and look at the properties of the exported morphs . You will see which ones are doubled up. You can edit the keyframes / curves and zero one set out there. But it's inefficient to double or triple up morph exports . Filesize is larger and wasteful
"go through the list to see the doubled one ones."
In the FBX Export options, look where it says "Staging (assets to be exported)"
Find G8F or G3F , twirl down the menu by left clicking the arrow
You will see the individual morphs listed, and their status as "not used", or "bake", or "animating"
The common problem entries are LShldrBend.XRotate2 , YRotate2, ZRotate2 and all those similar named entires. So you set rules to ignore them in your screenshot, by pushing the add button, entering the entry name and setting to ignore by left clicking. They are wildcard entries, so "lThigh Ignore" means all lThigh* will be ignored, so you only need to add 6 rules
There can be other problem entries as well, but those are the most common with any general FBX export animation
lThigh Ignore
rThigh Ignore
lShldr Ignore
rShldr Ignore
LForearm Ignore
rForearm Ignore