By default (Render Room) Indirect Lighting accuracy is set to 16px, which results in blocks of shadow. I noticed that it looks much better and doesn't add a lot of extra time to drop that to a more respectable level, like 1px or even .5
By default (Render Room) Indirect Lighting accuracy is set to 16px, which results in blocks of shadow. I noticed that it looks much better and doesn't add a lot of extra time to drop that to a more respectable level, like 1px or even .5
great find, thank you
love your series of render passes and the angle of the compoistion - very intimate :)
and wonderful saliva :) !!
I was waiting for a coverage pass too - sometimes handy along with the object pass - as you already noted
have you played much with toonpro and wireframe pro yet ?
here's a couple of variations including Dart's elegant ambient occlusion observations
1st) this I had to turn the occlison radius up to 8ft - it has a toonpro, wireframe pro and coverage pass incoorporated over the top (multiply parameter) to show off some line work
2) this second one is the same as the above with a beauty pass on a top layer. The paramter linear light is used on this layer - to bring out more of a cartoony look
Next one uses the photoshop filter 'graphic pen' on the ambient pass. On top of that I used two neutral grey laters with Overlay parameters to give a bit more ink work'. I also ran them through the graphic pen but used different angles for the pen lines
As above but run through filter forge's "sketchbook filter" to reduce the highlights
Final tweaking. I took above image and ran it run through 'poster edges' ps filter. Then dropped the shadow pass on top (parameter to 'multiply'). Tweaked that the shadow pass's tonal levels to reduce the midtone brightness.
I'll probably make the area where the figure is a little brighter to make the focal point more obvious....
By default (Render Room) Indirect Lighting accuracy is set to 16px, which results in blocks of shadow. I noticed that it looks much better and doesn't add a lot of extra time to drop that to a more respectable level, like 1px or even .5
great find, thank you
love your series of render passes and the angle of the compoistion - very intimate :)
and wonderful saliva :) !!
I was waiting for a coverage pass too - sometimes handy along with the object pass - as you already noted
have you played much with toonpro and wireframe pro yet ?
I thought a good ol' Windows reinstall might help. After that, I haven't put a whole lot (of anything) on it - just Carrara, DS, Howler, Affinity Photo, and a few other things. Might take a few months for me to get back on my feet with a new machine :(
ah good luck, I'm sorry you are having those troubles!!
here's today's work - a whol lot of passes combined - mainly shadow and coverage with a little diffuse to bring back the details - post work in topaz impression and filter forge with tweaking with oloneo and Nik filters
'Bruce and The Drowning Skeletons" nominal title, detail: .
More than a nod to Casper Friedrich's use of the compositional “Rückenfigur” (figure from the back). If you know his 'Wanderer above the Sea of Fog' then you'll catch the meaning.
The idea is to show the viewer what the person in the image is seeing - to involve them more in the landscape. There's also the advantage of keeping the figure's face hidden - with its attendant mystery.
Against that is the sense of 'isolation and melancholy' that we feel because the person has their back to us.
There's probably other reasons for doing “Rückenfigur” and I'm open to suggestions...
Mind you, if you are seeing what Bruce is seeing, then it's time for a holi(y)day.
Thanks, Headwax. Another of my cheezy faux pulp covers.
EDIT: If anyone is a Ray Harryhausen fan, recall the plot of The 7th Voyage of Sinbad.
Multipass example from someone with no business providing a multipass example. As always, suggestions welcome, but maybe this will encourage others who haven't tried the multipasses to experiment. Still a full week to go.
Here is the straight render of Brash's hair. ("Beauty Pass")
Here is a result from the volumetric primitive pass.
Here is an isolation of Brash's hair selected from volume primitive pass
Here is a comparison of results by using selected hair from volume prmitive pass as a separate layer over straight render, and then setting the volume pass to "color dodge." The hair can be highlighted by adjusting the degree of color dodge.
Color Dodge layer set to zero
Color Dodge layer set to 50 percent
Color Dodge layer set to 100 percent
cc01 brash hair beauty pass.JPG
1198 x 856 - 101K
cc02 brash hair volumetric primitive pass.JPG
1112 x 842 - 65K
cc03 select and invert to isolate hair.JPG
913 x 583 - 99K
cc04 brash hair set primitive pass to color dodge.JPG
@MAJourney - I hate it when life gets in the way! Thanks for participating in the WIP thread. Hope you make a last ditch effort to get an entry in, but if not, then dont forget to vote. Make sure to check out the next challenge.
@Mystarra - either use clouds (or another drop down such as fire) or use a multipass render in some way. Don't have to do both, just one or the other.
Thanks for the comments, Stezza and Headwax. For my projects, I am slowly substtuting elements. For example, I modeled a new city for the Brash/Moxie shrinking cover. Just a terrain and few duplicated buildings and a winding bridge/road.
my images are dark these days my head filled with the cruelty in the world.
Dark can very good. Or, render something bright and uplifting to break your mood. We accept all kinds. (Hope your spirits lift - sending positive karma your way).
As some red headed orphan said, the sun will come up tomorrow. Then the day after that. And then the day after that midnight Daz Utah time the entry thread will close. So, just over two and a half days to get more renders in.
The wildernes is sometimes referred to as The Elements. Here is The Alpha Dog
I got the random colors and texture by taking the straight render and the passes for volumetric primitive and background and rendering back on a plane in Carrara. I used the multipasses to drive a color gradient mixed in the color channel and to drive the bump channel.
Pretty simple scene, using AM's wolf 2 and bison. I used Carrara hair for the fur, and copied the animal body maps to the hair's root and tip channels.
@DesertDude - looking great so far. You can get it in.
Everyone - might as well state now that the entry thread will not close until Monday morning Jan 28 at 8:00 am Daz Utah time. I've shared my internet issue woes elsewhere, suffice to say here that I won't be seeking out internet access in the middle of the night if I can't get WiFi in my condo.
Another thought on that AO test:
By default (Render Room) Indirect Lighting accuracy is set to 16px, which results in blocks of shadow. I noticed that it looks much better and doesn't add a lot of extra time to drop that to a more respectable level, like 1px or even .5
Thnng.... and the screen goes black. I had to walk away before I go and break something
like Me! Argh!
wow ... had to go through three pages to catch up..
what imaginations we have here... totally awesome.
I love it!
I did do two just for fun images over the christmas break in between grandkids..
I Thought You Said Elephant!
Crazy Frog meets the Yellow Submarine
great find, thank you
love your series of render passes and the angle of the compoistion - very intimate :)
and wonderful saliva :) !!
I was waiting for a coverage pass too - sometimes handy along with the object pass - as you already noted
have you played much with toonpro and wireframe pro yet ?
That's classic Stezza, being both examples of Classic Stezza :)
love the tattered sail and the detail of the lamp and lamp holder
thanks HeadWax.. I've attached the raft for download in the Wacky Modeling Thread for everyone to experiment with... includes the lantern
Thanks Stezza, that should shed a little light on things :)
very generous of you - once again
here's a couple of variations including Dart's elegant ambient occlusion observations
1st) this I had to turn the occlison radius up to 8ft - it has a toonpro, wireframe pro and coverage pass incoorporated over the top (multiply parameter) to show off some line work
2) this second one is the same as the above with a beauty pass on a top layer. The paramter linear light is used on this layer - to bring out more of a cartoony look
Next one uses the photoshop filter 'graphic pen' on the ambient pass. On top of that I used two neutral grey laters with Overlay parameters to give a bit more ink work'. I also ran them through the graphic pen but used different angles for the pen lines
As above but run through filter forge's "sketchbook filter" to reduce the highlights
Final tweaking. I took above image and ran it run through 'poster edges' ps filter. Then dropped the shadow pass on top (parameter to 'multiply'). Tweaked that the shadow pass's tonal levels to reduce the midtone brightness.
I'll probably make the area where the figure is a little brighter to make the focal point more obvious....
Not at all yet. Darned PC keeps crashing.
I thought a good ol' Windows reinstall might help. After that, I haven't put a whole lot (of anything) on it - just Carrara, DS, Howler, Affinity Photo, and a few other things. Might take a few months for me to get back on my feet with a new machine :(
ah good luck, I'm sorry you are having those troubles!!
here's today's work - a whol lot of passes combined - mainly shadow and coverage with a little diffuse to bring back the details - post work in topaz impression and filter forge with tweaking with oloneo and Nik filters
Headwax - love the way you are building up the scene from landscape, wizard, and skeletons !!!
Stezza - a couple of classic renders, great as always.
Dart - your composite scene is looking marvellous, hope the computer does not slow you down.
thank Bunyip 02 :)
About one week left!
Very impressive, Andrew. Great to see some of your steps. Both inspiring and instructive.
Love the toons, Stezza. Can't wait to see which you decide to enter.
Dart, excellent. Hope you get it finished.
Remember the containment tank that I modeled? Remember voting on who should be put in it?
We'll see if I can clean it up before the deadline.
EDIT: This is a version before postwork. However, I will render another version with that doesn't have the blown out light on Brash's face.
Ha ha Ted, you are a scream - at first I read this as 'The Brash" - great name for the character
Thanks, Headwax. Another of my cheezy faux pulp covers.
EDIT: If anyone is a Ray Harryhausen fan, recall the plot of The 7th Voyage of Sinbad.
Multipass example from someone with no business providing a multipass example. As always, suggestions welcome, but maybe this will encourage others who haven't tried the multipasses to experiment. Still a full week to go.
Here is the straight render of Brash's hair. ("Beauty Pass")
Here is a result from the volumetric primitive pass.
Here is an isolation of Brash's hair selected from volume primitive pass
Here is a comparison of results by using selected hair from volume prmitive pass as a separate layer over straight render, and then setting the volume pass to "color dodge." The hair can be highlighted by adjusting the degree of color dodge.
Color Dodge layer set to zero
Color Dodge layer set to 50 percent
Color Dodge layer set to 100 percent
Other volume primitives - Brash hair, Moxie Hair, Green fire bottom of tank, orange fire row across terrain
color dodge set at zero, 50, and 100 percent.
One more - here is this interim result (1st attempt to correct lighting on face) after compositing with filter forge watercolor and aquarelle filters.
you can never have too many layers to muck around with
love it.. and using PSE as well.... how cool is that
bit of another play around... using some Tangy stuff for this one
CH3COOH + C10H18O for cleaning up your renders

n ice looking primitif passes Ted - ,my primitive passes always come out black and white!! thanks for the blow by blow
Stezza that mist and forgeround saturation really make this one ;sing;
Meh, school has started back up and has piled readings onto my plate. Biology, dang it!
Sorry wasn't able to play this one.
3 more days to render?
a lil foggy on the categories. i did 1 with clouds,
@MAJourney - I hate it when life gets in the way! Thanks for participating in the WIP thread. Hope you make a last ditch effort to get an entry in, but if not, then dont forget to vote. Make sure to check out the next challenge.
@Mystarra - either use clouds (or another drop down such as fire) or use a multipass render in some way. Don't have to do both, just one or the other.
Thanks for the comments, Stezza and Headwax. For my projects, I am slowly substtuting elements. For example, I modeled a new city for the Brash/Moxie shrinking cover. Just a terrain and few duplicated buildings and a winding bridge/road.
Still a few days left. Don't forget to get your entries in, @Varsel, @MDO2010, @Dartanbeck, @Headwax_Carrara, @UnifiedBrain, and everyone else. Remember to specifiy a category.
my images are dark these days my head filled with the cruelty in the world.
Dark can very good. Or, render something bright and uplifting to break your mood. We accept all kinds. (Hope your spirits lift - sending positive karma your way).
As some red headed orphan said, the sun will come up tomorrow. Then the day after that. And then the day after that midnight Daz Utah time the entry thread will close. So, just over two and a half days to get more renders in.
The wildernes is sometimes referred to as The Elements. Here is The Alpha Dog
I got the random colors and texture by taking the straight render and the passes for volumetric primitive and background and rendering back on a plane in Carrara. I used the multipasses to drive a color gradient mixed in the color channel and to drive the bump channel.
Pretty simple scene, using AM's wolf 2 and bison. I used Carrara hair for the fur, and copied the animal body maps to the hair's root and tip channels.
I'm determined to finish an entry, still working out the composition and scene much to do, lol.
@DesertDude - looking great so far. You can get it in.
Everyone - might as well state now that the entry thread will not close until Monday morning Jan 28 at 8:00 am Daz Utah time. I've shared my internet issue woes elsewhere, suffice to say here that I won't be seeking out internet access in the middle of the night if I can't get WiFi in my condo.