Ron's War Elements missing ?
I Was going to purchase Ron's new War elements during the sale. I actually had it in my cart and didn't complete then. I was still looking at other stuff. I got busy and didn't complete the sale that day. I thought well maybe they will have a catch up sale. Well here it is catch up time and Deviney store is on sale .... But Ron's War Elements is missing and the link to it wont work.
any Ideas or reason for this?
Will make enquiries.
Still not up
I had the same problem, please let me know what happened!
Thank goodness I'm not the only one who noticed. The same thing happened to me!
Well last day of this sale. Maybe they will get it figured out before the end of the day. We will have to hope!
It is of course always possible it was removed from the store because there was some problem which had to be bug checked or such. This has happened with products before.
As irony would have it, that's the product that I looked at and said "Hmm, yes, I should get that one. Not today, though. I'll pick it up during the catch-up sale at the end of the month."
Maybe when the bug-checking is done, DAZ will put it in FastGrab for 70% off. Some of Ron's products do show up there from time to time so ... I can dream, can't I?
Please note that was not an informed post, was just me thinking out loud really, that it could be a reason why this has gone MIA. I really don't know, to be honest.
Thank you Chohole, I was wondering if that might be a possibility Ron is puts his stuff on sale at fair intervals so if we can't get it just wait a bit and see.
OK, this has just been posted in another thread. The 2nd part of the post is pertinant to this thread so I copied it over here for you.
Thank you for your assistance Chohole
Still no sign of the War elements return still getting the 404 when going to the link.
Same here... weeks later.
It is very strange, there was actually a thread where Ron actually said it was being taken care of. That the file had been removed for updates and going to be resolved. I marked the thread to keep up with any updates. a day later no results and the thread was gone as well.... very strange