Printable DVD cover for Carrara 8.5 ???

So I decided to dust off the DVD burner and burn some backups of important apps and put them in good looking DVD cases.
(Why? Too many news about ransomware, leaked passwords on major sites and even eon vue site being hacked and offline)
Problem: There is no good looking DVD cover for Carrara 8.5, only the low res screens at the store and email promos.
So, anyone up for the challenge to make the best looking Carrara 8.5 DVD cover?
Attaching some images to start with, the current Carrara 8.5 low res screen caps.
The first free template I found (free use for commercial purposes):
Text on the backside, should probably be some of the new features of Carrara 8.5:

Found some of the older Carrara covers, from 1 to 7.
Which is your favorite?
7 Pro looks up to date, modern.
you could always try to recreate the scene in the render yourself
some guesses
not sure if horse 2 or millennium horse
we are forgetting C8.1's chameleon too
I do not have that oak set but I have another oak by Merlin in a different set that is similar
I kitbashed something I am animating
it is Horse 2 BTW
Great job, Wendy. Looks pretty close. You can also fake roots by creating another tree, remove any leaves,and turn it upside down.
yeah but that was not a Carrara tree
in fact not too much in that splash screen was Carrara content by looks, maybe the fireflies
I changed it a bit
the video with my usual weirdness
Your fireflies are soooo cute!
trying to upload my 8.1 splashsceen but forum won't let me
think finally worked after several drafts
think that was used
it does not look like the same chameleon besides the textures its too simple
a video of all things chameleon
Have not had the time to create new DVD covers, but in the mean time, I found an old Carrara 4 Pro brochure from the old Eovia web site at See below.