Is there a phone number for Daz?

I am hoping (probably wistful thinking, sadly) to get a refund processed before the PA sale ends so i can buy something else (that I totally won't afford otherwise). I'm worried that they won't get to it though and I'll definitely miss out. I put the request in on the 27th and no response yet and sale ends today, so very anxious....
For the record, the pa sale was fantastic this year, and thanks to a GC I was actually able to participate and got the most I've gotten all YEAR so far. Truly amazing, I just hope that its somehow possible to get the refund before its too late. :'(
Thanks if you can help!
From right hand side of help center:
By Phone: •Toll Free # 1(800)267-5170
•Phone # 1(801)495-1777
Thanks! if I don't get a response in a couple hours I'll call... if i am getting time zones right its about lunch break there in Daz Land??
If I'm not mistaking the numbers go to an answering service and not DAZ directly. They suggest you file a support ticket to communicate with them.
Right now CS only handles tickets. When you make a phone call a representative will log your issue and file a ticket so calling isn't going to get the problem solved any faster since tickets are answered in the order they are received.
However, you can comment on your currently open ticket and say I'm planning on purchasing x with the money I get from refund y. Screen shot the current price and attach it to the ticket. I can't guarantee sales will honor the sale price, but they probably will. The screen shot and time you submitted the ticket will show that you actually were planning on purchasing the product but couldn't until you got your refund.
Thank you, that's what I did.....
*bites nails*
If the only option after the sale becomes "buy it first and get a refund" then I'm going to be at a loss, because I don't have the bank funds to buy first, only if its on sale... that's why I'm a bit anxious. I'm waiting up, hoping to hear back.... its already 3:30 am here...
Wahoooooooooooooooooo! They got my refund done and i got my store credit in time to hit the end of the sale! I'm soooooooooooooooo happy!!!!!! Now I can sleep :D
numbers do not work
Well this post was from 2013, so that is a long time ago.
I can only assume the growth in customers/tickets meant they could no long offer a direct call service.
There are a remarkable number of computer related companies that genuinely feel that human to human verbal contact has no place in the modern world. They are so wrong, but they do believe it.
I'm also finding that a high percentage of banking companies cannot, and will not, telephone me because it appears landline phone numbers are incompatible with their computer systems. I have no need of a mobile, 99% of the time I am at one of two landline numbers. The remaining 1% I'd not answer because I was driving. But the computer systems cannot and will not cope. I must have a mobile. I refuse to have a mobile I don't need or want.
Yeah, back in the day (probably before 2010) I actually called and talked to people at DAZ... it was amazing and super helpful. But alas those days are long gone...
How did this thread get awakened from the dead?
Wait... I forgot...
Its 2020... pandemic, chaos, murder hornets, hurricanes, fires and zombie threads.
I left out vampire bigfoots, because that's next month.
Phone numbers are fine if you live in that country, from what I understood with Daz was they try to not priotise anyone and deal with tickets as they come in. Being in the UK phoning was not an option but I often read of people in th US phoning in and 'having a lovely long chat' to CS, while these people were problems sorted straight away my ticket was sitting there not dealt with for days.
I wonder what the whigspan will be on those things.
The phone service for CS was set aside several years ago.
I've done phone support for 25 years. It is very common now for companies not to want to deal with phone.
That is fine IF they deal and work properly through tickets. Unfortunately sometimes implementing ticket systems can just be a way of buffering a company from complaints.
For me, tickets open for extended periods of time without completion is a service level failure.
Yes, I used to do phone support too and we had a target to answer any support call within 3 rings. However, those customers paid for support (service contract) which paid my salary. I think the reason for the lack of phone support these days has much to do with the fact that non-commercial users don't take out service contracts so there are no dedicated telephone support people. That and the fact that online communication has become increasingly impersonal which is quite sad.
So there's no phone # on the website now?
Not cool! I guess I'll just have to camp out on Dan Farr's doorstep now if CS drops the ball on something...
you could add him on Facebook
I actually have him as a friend but don't bug him, just "like" some of his Comic Con posts and stuff like any friend, I try and be civil on social media, it's not a product forum
Shortly after leaving DAZ 3D in the spring of 2012 ...
He has nothing to do with nowadays Daz3d anymore (might be the reason for some of the changes ...)
According to the yellow Pages, but that is NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT Number, they do have some phone numbers:
Won't really help since Dan left Daz years ago ;)
ah yeah thought he may have, I don't keep up
have Chris Creek as a friend too and he carves awesome faces in Oreo cream among other things
believe it or not I really only complain about products on the product forum as I assumed that is why it's here not to share our woes with the public transport system or breakfast plans
lol Well he's always been great at modelling, I suppose that helps ;)
Chris is not here anymore either, he's one of the founding members at Hivewire3D.
Well, I'd camp out at Daz HQ, but everybody is probably staying at home these days, social distancing working remotely and all that...
well we all know that
Isn't he no longer with DAZ?
I seem to recall him resigning in like 2013 or something, but I can't say for 100%, and even if he did, perhaps he has returned.