Metaball based snow with a car file example. Plus Metaball Texture Builders on Terrain

been mucking round with this for a while I thought it might be useful for someone seeing it's Chrissie.
pretty hity and miss - metaball based snow.
Do a render at the end of the animation.
That will give you an idea of the size your buidling needs to be - by the snow size and coverage.
Go to frame 1 again, - drop your building in. Align it with the target helper (select target helper) then building and use ctrl k to align)
Go to last frame again and render.
The more complicated your buidling the longer it takes to render.
Good luck :)
Edit: Oh I noticed if you render a building with snow, then delete it and bring another in and render for some reason the particles still take the shape of the previous building - you may need to save new secene and restart carrara ...

looks pretty
sadly will be too hot here to render with the CPU, Octane even is pushing it with my box fan full blast on the open side and metaball particles Carrara render only
ah thanks Wendy - we have a southerly -i t's almost freezing :)
Thank you for the tips. Meatballs are under-utilized.
Very cool. Could metaballs also be used for a landslide/mudslide ?
Thanks Diomede et Bunyip02 :)
Mudslide sounds like a goer :)
Hi Bunyip02 you got me thinking. Here are three meatball replicators (all with different characteristics) dumped on a Carrara terrain - then the terrain made invisable - looks like lots of possibilities
the shader is a combination of terrain shaders mixed up in a multichannel shader - the different sized metaballs give a feeling of texture
Very cool. Could metaballs also be used for a landslide/mudslide ?
Looks very promising !
I missed this meatball post....
thanks headwax, will experiment with your file... for a snow scene... possibly with a car in it
Makes good lava bombs as well !
great looking forward to snowed in car :)
and lava bombs!