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Carrara Convention 1.0! I'd go in a heartbeat!
I totally wanted to adjust the waitress' chest morphs but EP stopped me! :cheese:
You wanted to spin her dials? :bug: ;-) :red:
"Gods of Carrara" is pretty funny considering that I was in town for an atheist convention (FFRF 36th Annual Convention). :lol:
The Wisconsin State Capitol building and surrounding grounds is an inspiration to 3D artists! I highly recommend checking it out if you can.
Here's some more capitol shots. Unfortunately, my camera's crappy LCD didn't clue me in that my favorite shot was freakin' blurry! Dammit! :shut:
It's always fun until someone loses a torso.
Good to see you lot had fun.
Part of the exterior to the Wisconsin Capitol building.
Gars-Man outside the Capitol building - first day in Madison...wasted no time in getting over to see this structure!
Evilproducer and Dartanbeck rocking it inside the Capitol.
Garstor does a wicked Gene Simmons impression!
at the risk of sounding really sappy...
I really miss you guys!
I wanna do this again. I don't care where - as long as it doesn't take too long before it happens. This time, however, I really want to bring my work station and have at least it all set up - so that I can demonstrate to you guys some of the cool things I've been using Carrara for. Work - work - work. No play time lately... too busy working. But this is going to be worth it. Well worth it - I can tell already.
I just wrote in Wendy's Advance Pack post about how much Carrara surpasses what I originally bought it for. I'd like to quickly expand that notion for a sec...
In the endeavor of creating my big Epic, which was an idea that spawned from using Poser, I realized that I need more functionality than what Poser or DS could offer. Long story short, when I finally found Carrara, I knew the software I needed. It was very much like that for a very important reason. You see, 3ds Max, Maya, and LightWave are all very, very good CG modelers. They do come with a fairly hefty price tag, well... LW is actually a steal of a deal IMHO, they actually are worth every penny, if those feature are truly what you're after.
For me, anything beyond the price of Carrara has proven to be beyond my needs. This is simply because Carrara is exactly what I wanted when I bought it - with the surprisingly wonderful ability to go far beyond my original hopes - in ways that 'enhance' what "I" want to do.
So I actually wanted a new Poser when I bought Carrara. One that could handle modeling, rigging, fully featured materials and a fast render engine. For me, Carrara is efficiency gone wild. Many may argue this statement due to wishing for a different sort of interface, more right-clicky, whatever. Coming from Poser, Carrara is a real treat! The interface is similar in a very welcome way - but set up more like a Pro version - where the controls don't hide your whole screen being overly large. Carrara welcomes vastness - and I really wanted and needed that at the time. Since then I've learned how to further optimize my scenes, so I don't really need to send models all about my scenes - though I do still enjoy using a hefty, large scene over simulating one with a spherical background. The cool thing about Carrara is that you can make all of this stuff right within it - so you can mix, match, combine whatever methods make you feel most comfortable!
Anyways, my work lately has thrown me straight back into modeling. Dust off those box-modeling skills and put that training to use - and, in Carrara, this has been one excellent endeavor! Perhaps nothing that you cannot do in another app. It's what you can do along the way, before and afterwards, that sets Carrara apart from anything on the market! Buying Ringo's Shaders was a real treat. GKDantas, mmoir, DimensionTheory, PhilW, 3DLUST, Tim Payne, Howie Farkes, Age of Armour, Philip Drawbridge, Orestes Graphics, 3D Celebrity... these folks have all brought wonderful things to the table for me to glean ideas from, learn techniques from, and strive as a Carrara artist, getting vastly superior results than what I have originally anticipated doing. The above list of people is far easier to name off due to their being DAZ PAs. A much more lengthy list would be those from this forum. Truly, without spending an extra dime, we can fulfill or CG dreams very well in Carrara with nothing more than the conversations that go on around here.
Meeting just the two of you has been a real treat and inspiration. I feed on the aura that you guys give off. We're all so different in waht we do, how we do it, and why. That is the sort of thing that really helps to push further to new horizons. We all get our own version of focus. To catch even the slightest glimpse of the focus from another is truly magical. I could easily become addicted to it.
Now I want the group to grow. I really would love to see a whole Carrara gathering. Some place where we can get away from Carrara and just meet up and socialize - a nice face-to-face. And then an area where we can get back into Carrara in one large common room so that we can mingle around from one work area to another to see what we're all up to. It would be amazingly fun, I think!
Yes! A Carrara Convention! I vote for Hawaii as the first location. ;-)
Meeting other Carrarists would be awesome.
Okay, but I thought we just decided that Texas is where it must take place.
So, start in Texas, where we find the cure for what ails you in Hawaii. Head to Australia and pick up Wendy and Head Wax and anyone else in Australia whom knows the Carrara language. Sail over to Hawaii (screw asking for time off... just quit ;) ) and then...
Another thought that I was kicking around is to see if there would be some sort of hall we could rent near DAZ 3D in Utah. We could ask Kevin if we could schedule a little field trip at the HQ and invite them all to join us in whatever we're doing. Something like this, no matter where, will require a lot of time in the planning of it all - so we could arrange for vacation days, etc.,
Perhaps if we would set something up for more than a year in advance we could really get a good turn out together?
Beside all of these thoughts, I've noticed that "The Lounge" at Carrara Cafe (located under My Cafe) is a fine little chat arena. Ringo and Holly have already been talking about setting up times when people could meet there and talk about whatever. I'd love to join in on that circle. Ringo and I could also ask in at DAZ to see if we could possibly get some of the DAZ team involved, be it Devs, or whom ever wants to participate would be great!
You've got a whole bunch of ultra-awesome ideas (and a couple of spectacularly impractical ones!) here. Honestly, I'd go to Utah in a heartbeat for a DAZ tour if they were willing to do such a thing. I'd love to talk to the devs and I'd love to hear what their plans are (my sense is that DAZ will always keep those cards close to their chest...they just don't like opening up to their fan base - I've lamented that several times in other posts).
A bunch of Carrara people getting together - no matter where it is - would be more fun than I am currently having (yay, crazy customers at work!). I'm already dreaming about workshops full of mutual learning and discovery. Discussions on the best ways to organize content (notice that keeps coming up as a forum post every couple of months?). And more! Fun!
Well a few other 3d apps have local user groups ---- Like MODO for instance. Obviously bigger cities have better chance to gather a group but one never knows where the carrarist hide.
I think the opportunities to meet and greet would be pretty special indeed.
Its not like a lot of us can share much of what we do with 3d so maybe thats why meet ups seem so appealing to many.
I know when I start talking enthusiastically with my friends about what I was able to do in the Spline or Vertex modeler, or the Texture room, or lighting and composition, their eyes glaze over. I end up just pointing out the pretty picture or cool animation.
Yeah, getting together with people that share a common interest and a common vernacular is really cool.
When Dart, Garstor and I, got together in Madison, we spent a lot of that time babbling in 3D jargon, much to the amusement and puzzlement of friends and family of mine that were along for the ride.
Or that poor waitress at Hooters! :lol: I'm sure she had no idea what to make of us!
Hi, I read the Carrara forum even though I do not post much these days.
(Not due to Carrara related reasons)
you guys keep me entertained
not tried much with advance pack yet, one of many purchases I made this month actually.
Grabbed EP's lights too, thx.
you guys rock!
Or that poor waitress at Hooters! :lol: I'm sure she had no idea what to make of us!
Good thing I didn't mention Sparrowhawke's jiggle deformer then... :red:
Well, I had a rather long hiatus too. We miss you tho' Wendy!
Good thing I didn't mention Sparrowhawke's jiggle deformer then... :red:
We didn't order dessert there! ;-)
Still busier than busy doing junk that drags me away from my computers :(
But this Wednesday, Evilproducer and I are heading back down to Madison to have our second "Three Carrarateers raid Mad Town" event, except this time Garstor is entirely Carrara-free, having sold his soul to LightWave. But he's getting really good with it, so we'll just let him do his thing. Why not, right? Both are horrifyingly under-developed-but-still-kick-ass-ankle 3D CG Software suites!
I'm actually amazed that I can even go. It wasn't easy.
I was hoping to grab some Carrara time to be able to bring something down with me to hand out to my CG brethren, but alas... I don't see that happening. Maybe a mixed CD? LOL
Oh well... it's going to be fun! I love meeting up with pals I've met online. It would be cool if more of us could convene some sort of event, wouldn't it?
(Left to right: Gastor, Evilproducer, Dartanbeck)
Oh... but that's an old photo from the last time! LOL
I'm sure we'll have some new ones to come! Gars Man has also become a bit of a photography enthusiast too! ;)
This poster has been spotted in Madison!

now I see where the pin is I know why Kevin is clutching his netherregion with that unusual smile :) nce poster, have fun dart et evil and Garstor
A couple months ago I started getting Fb updates about the Bristol Rennaissance Faire in Kenosha, WI and I briefly thought about posting something somewhere here and trying to get a bunch of people to go. It seems like the kind of thing DAZ and Carrara users in general would like and I know there are a fair number of Midwesterners on this site that live in the general vicinity (like within a couple hours drive). They even had a steampunk themed weekend this year, which might have been especially interesting. I forgot all about it until it was over for the Summer though.
Wow! It's been decades since I've been there... I love that place! Maybe next year?
Stezza, Very cool! Yup... I hope they don't recognize us! LOL
That would be cool. I used to go every year, but haven't been in the last few. I'll make a note on my calendar to bring it up again next Spring. :)
Yes! And if I don't respond right away, could you also send me a PM nudge, please?
I was only there once - back when I was in acting school. I went as a Barbarian warrior. Everyone wanted the Turkey legs so bad there was a long line... but no waiting where they sold the super-delicious BBQ ribs! So I walked around tearing flesh from bone with me teeth, getting sauce all over!!! It was awesome! Then some soldiers came and asked if I would assist them in honoring the Queen as she came to see the jousting competition - I had to say "Yes", of course!
Memories. I wish I had pictures of that day - and many other times I ran around like a monster or a barabarian.
You probably saw my Zekiel Raven images before - back when I was oh-so-young! LOL
Really I was just subduing it. We were at a Hooters, and it has a mind of its own.
I'll try and save vacation time.
Sweet! It's a date, then!
Anyone else?
There's no guarantee. It is towards the end of my work year based on my anniversary with the company.
Hope you guys have fun. I have just had a few days of meeting an internet friend and his partner, who ventured all the way to "sunny" Wales to visit. Unfortunately no photos were taken. Barry (real name not forum name) wanted to visit Barry Island (obviously) and was almost blown away for real as we got out the car, then we watched the rain rolling in from the sea, like a thick fog bank and decided to get back in the car and go elsewhere, preferably somewhere with a roof (and hot coffee).
Here is a shot a nice man took of us at a stop on the upper Wisconsin Dells boat tour. I'll also include a shot of one of the rock formations. The camera does not do it justice.