Urban Tactical Weapon Poses

I get this error trying to load a pose. Not sure if I need to buy the tatical weapons. I have the Pose Coverter but it didn't work. This software can be frustrating. Anyone else having this problem or can help? Thanks.


2018-12-27 00:02:37.668 *** Scene Cleared ***
2018-12-27 00:02:37.673 Invalid hierarchy for selected node(s) and "preset_hierarchical_pose" type; no root(s) found.
2018-12-27 00:02:37.674 Error reading file, see log for more details.


  • Those are apparently hierarchical pose presets, that affect both the figure and items (presumably the weapons here) parented to the figure - those will not work with other figures, you'd have to apply them to the original and then save a regular pose preset.

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