Download DS 4.8?
Hi forum members,
is there somewhere I can download DS 4.8, and do so legally of course? I am rebuilding a Win 7 box from the ground up and this is the version I used because AFIK it still works with the original version of Reality. So unless the newest versions of DS (I've lost track) plays well with Reality and Generation 4 figures then 4.8 Iridium is what I need.
For those I haven't seen in a while, got busy with work, starting with new company on the 2nd, active on the Apple forums, vehemently and anonymously political on Twitter almost to a caricature. Blew up my i7-920 installing an SSD, we had a good run. Moving back to a Mac running Win 7, and I still use Blender, both to model and make exciting new margarita flavors (Llama & Brussell Sprouts is my current fav) I'm hoping to see skyrim cat when I post, it's been a long time, hope everyone is well or getting better or just hanging in or giving up and just sitting in the passenger seat until we get to hospital and start finger painting.
Happy New Year
I think the usual answer to this question is, submit a ticket to DAZ. They are the only ones who can legally provide you with 4.8.
I'm afraid the only legal source is Daz, via your Product Library, if you don't have a back-up (if you do have a back-up you should be able to isntall it through DIM as long as you work offline, so it can't see the newer versions).
Reality should be working with (release build) and (public beta, if it isntalls to betas) - the SDK requirement has not changed - if it does fail that would definitely be soemthign to report to Daz (as the intent is that plug-ins should still be working, even those not sold through Daz) but there have not been reports of issues as far as I can recall.
Thanks 3WC and Richard. Does anyone know if the IRAY render engine will work of a multi-core Xeon CPU or is it strictly an Nvida GPU solution?
Rob says
While iray is faster with an nVidia GPU it will, absent a GPU or if the GPU's memory is exhausted, fall back to CPU. The only exception is the new AI de-noiser in the 4.11 Public Build, which does need a GPU.
Thanks again Chohole and Richard. I will try the CPU render if it's the same quality.
FWIW Reality 2. does not run in DS4.10, however I found the zip I extracted when 4.8 was live in my DIM and dropped it in and it worked.
The error message 4.10 was cryptic and the closest I found searching was a JAVA script error that I don't know if Realty or Studio were throwing. I still have 4.10 on my build and I'll get the error and post to Daz.