hair dforce

I bought this product,

there are also video tutorials. Unfortunately, the videos go too fast and does not explain certain functions well. In the attached photo I highlighted a key that he often uses in the tutorial. But I do not know where it is in my program. Can someone explain to me where I can find it? Thanks

Schermata 2018-12-28 alle 20.37.41.png
883 x 878 - 420K


  • Those appear to be actions he's added to a toolbar - you can find them in the Simlation Settings pane's option menu (the lined button in its top corner, or right-click the tab).

  • OK thanks. I found it smiley 

    Those appear to be actions he's added to a toolbar - you can find them in the Simlation Settings pane's option menu (the lined button in its top corner, or right-click the tab).


  • I made several attempts. The last time after 2 hours was still 43% for the simulation. I would like to buy other similar products, but first I want to understand why it takes all this time. From those tutorials it all seems so fast ...


  • What GPU do you have, assuming that is what you are uisng (Advanced tab of Simulation Settings will show the OpenCL provider)?

  • I have this card: apple intel (R) Core (TM) i5-4280U CPU @ 1.40GHz. With the simulation of clothes it takes up to 20 minutes ... I do not understand

  • What GPU do you have? I'm not sure if Macs require extra steps to use a GPU for OpenCL.

  • Beyond the data I wrote above I can not find any more.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    I think there is a confusion between CPU and GPU here.

  • Sorry, but I do not understand these technical arguments. Where can I find this information?

  • no noseno nose Posts: 312

    Sorry, but I do not understand these technical arguments. Where can I find this information?

    type "system information" in the search bar

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    Or Apple Menu -> About this computer -> System Information

  • I can not find the information on the GPU card. This is a screen

    Schermata 2019-01-04 alle 17.27.28.png
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  • Should I look in the menu on the left?

  • Try clicking Grafica/Monitor on the left

  • Even here I can not find information 

    Schermata 2019-01-04 alle 21.50.02.png
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  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100
    edited January 2019

    Even here I can not find information 

    Intel HD 5000.

    In DAZ Studio under Simulation settings and Advanced Tab, what options of simulation engines do you see?

    562 x 59 - 5K
    Post edited by Totte on
  • At the moment I'm doing a rendering and I can not open the drop-down window, but I'm sure the references are the ones I wrote above Apple intel (R) Core (TM) CPU i5-4280U a 1,40 GHz

  • Al momento sto facendo un rendering e non riesco ad aprire la finestra a tendina, ma sono sicuro che i riferimenti sono quelli che ho scritto sopra  CPU Intel intel (R) Core (TM) i5-4280U a 1,40 GHz 

    Totte said:

    Even here I can not find information 

    Intel HD 5000.

    In DAZ Studio under Simulation settings and Advanced Tab, what options of simulation engines do you see?


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    At the moment I'm doing a rendering and I can not open the drop-down window, but I'm sure the references are the ones I wrote above Apple intel (R) Core (TM) CPU i5-4280U a 1,40 GHz

    That explains the time then. There is OpenCL support for the HD 5000 but if you cannot select it, hmm, but when you render is done see if you can select the HD 5000 in that menu.

  • No, it does not even allow me to enter the advanced settings. I have to wait pianto 

    Totte said:

    At the moment I'm doing a rendering and I can not open the drop-down window, but I'm sure the references are the ones I wrote above Apple intel (R) Core (TM) CPU i5-4280U a 1,40 GHz

    That explains the time then. There is OpenCL support for the HD 5000 but if you cannot select it, hmm, but when you render is done see if you can select the HD 5000 in that menu.


  • I finished the rendering. This is what I have on the drop down window 

    Totte said:

    At the moment I'm doing a rendering and I can not open the drop-down window, but I'm sure the references are the ones I wrote above Apple intel (R) Core (TM) CPU i5-4280U a 1,40 GHz

    That explains the time then. There is OpenCL support for the HD 5000 but if you cannot select it, hmm, but when you render is done see if you can select the HD 5000 in that menu.


    Schermata 2019-01-05 alle 10.54.28.png
    529 x 171 - 28K
  • Try selecting the Appl HD Grpahics 5000 option. The first time you do a simulation there will be a delay as the kernels are recompiled, but the second should be a safe comparison with the speed from your simulations using the CPU


    Ok, I try how you tell me. Thank you

    Prova a selezionare l'opzione Appl HD Grpahics 5000. La prima volta che esegui una simulazione ci sarà un ritardo al momento della ricompilazione dei kernel, ma il secondo dovrebbe essere un confronto sicuro con la velocità delle tue simulazioni usando la CPU


    Prova a selezionare l'opzione Appl HD Grpahics 5000. La prima volta che esegui una simulazione ci sarà un ritardo al momento della ricompilazione dei kernel, ma il secondo dovrebbe essere un confronto sicuro con la velocità delle tue simulazioni usando la CPU


    Try selecting the Appl HD Grpahics 5000 option. The first time you do a simulation there will be a delay as the kernels are recompiled, but the second should be a safe comparison with the speed from your simulations using the CPU


  • With those settings you suddenly quit the program after 10 minutes triste

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    With those settings you suddenly quit the program after 10 minutes triste

    Then stay with CPU OpenCL settings. Sometimes GPU causes errors.

  •  Thanks, I've made other attempts. But I stopped the simulation after 2 hours. I would like to contact the seller to get advice. But I do not know how to contact him. If I click on its name I see only its products for sale but I can not send a message. His videos attached to the product are not clear and go too fast. Maybe I have to give some initial settings. I love this dforce hair. I have put others among my favorites, but if I do not solve I throw away the money 

    Totte said:

    With those settings you suddenly quit the program after 10 minutes triste

    Then stay with CPU OpenCL settings. Sometimes GPU causes errors.


  • Check to see if the vendor is active on the forum, and perhaps has a thread on the product. if not open a Technical Support ticket with your questions and they can ask the vendor if need be.

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