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Great renders everyone, getting the year off to a good start!
Here's my effort:
Title: Ozymandias
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!
(3Delight and the Gimp)
Just wonderful nattaruk ... I found the Ozymandias poem... Thought others may be interested to read it. I love ANYTHING to do with Egypt. Sadly I will never get to visit it.... so... I enjoy it through pictures, poems and art like yours ;) Well done... Thanks for sharing.
Are you looking at me? Very nicely done nattaruk. The texture and tone are great.
Had this idea as soon as I saw the theme... Finally had time to work on it... enjoy my...
"Little n Large Afternoon Tea"
What!! No sugar cubes. Very nicely done Llola Lane and a very clever idea.
Yeah.. I guess I could have added more to the scene... but time is getting away from me... Maybe I'll expand on it later... No teabags either.. lol. Hostess is just getting started setting it up I guess. lol
No tea bags is a good sign, Tea is much nicer of made with loose leaf tea. That needs a tea strainer (or a tea filter in the pot)
So many large and little renders :D Awesome work so far!
Ha.. now I just need to find some loose tea leaves and a tea strainer... lol Ya think anyone's made any free props?
No but Maclean has tea bags, teastrainer etc etc in his "Everyday Tea"
oo thanks... i'll be waiting for a sale ;)
Ye sthats what I also ways say.... eewwww than I yelll for my huisband to come get the darn spider out of the
Isn't that why we get married? To have someone kill our spiders for us? lol
It is a rite of passage from boyhood to a man when you step on them with bare feet. And even more so when you do it in the school yard with your fifth grade class looking on.
A man? Killing a tiny thing under foot?
I keep them alive...if they're in a spot that Diane can't tolerate, I capture and release outside. Or elsewhere inside if it's winter.
I carry all my spiders out myself
Lovely tea set ther Llola!
I like the colour choice for you render @nattaruk I would be very confused finding that statue pieces on a walk :D
Allow me to clear things up before my younger self becomes public bad kid number 1. My comment was in reference to Ivy's roach render. I stepped on them then and today I use raid. As for spiders I consider them a friendly house guest. When I see one in my house I thank him or her for visiting and let them be. They are very good at controlling other insect populations and will travel on when they are ready. I used to capture and release out side until one day I thought this one could be a female and mother and I could be seperating her from her young. In my opinion much worse than being squished.
Ya I'm not PC when it comes to bugs . That is after all why they are called pest.
when I see a spider and there outside thats great i leave them alone if they leave me alone. But see onr in my house there is only 2 solutions for getting rid of them. either my husband gets them for me or i get them with the vacuum cleaner with a 4 foot long attachment. mouse's & snakes i can deal with But spiders!! eww those creepy legs , Spiders send me into panic attacks.
We live in an almost wooded area. Actually, there is a pond right across the street, behind my mailbox, with fish and frogs and turtles. And yet, we almost never see a mosquito in our house. I say it's because of the spiders. My sister, when she visits, has fits when she sees a spider. She won't even go to bed if she sees one in the room. I've told her that the one she sees is like the tip of the iceburg. If they wanted her, she'd be dinner. They don't usually bother humans. She is allergic, though, so I can understand. I think she attracts them with all her angst, though.
Mostly, I don't move them. I just blow at them to make them move along. Crickets I move outside, though. And some other things. But I like the mostquito patrol. Those are pests! Flies are pests. Wasps are pests.
Wasps also eat a lot of other insects, including crop-munching caterpillars, so as long as they aren't nesting too close to human activity they are useful until the queen hibernates and leaves her daughters to fly around looking for sweet stuff (up to then they bring their prey backk to the nest and are rewarded by a syrup made by the queen).
Or when they make a nest in your siding or under your deck, where you have storage you need to get to. My sister carries an epi-pen around with her. When bitten by a wasp she blows up like a balloon and turns blue. I've never been stung/bitten, to my knowledge...and I think I'd know...but I don't want to find out the hard way that I have the same allergy. These things do run in families.
Last summer I had to call in the pros...I had a nest that appeared in a matter of a few days, and it was big. I took some photos, and zoomed in on the was bald-faced hornets (particularly agressive wasps).
My husband hates spiders.
but on a much cuter note… Our big white cat, Newman, usually comes running when daddy gets home from the paper route, (very early morning,) but not yesterday. Didn't see him at all at 5am when we left to take the rig to our favorite mechanic to be worked on later in the day. But we did see him when we returned.
Newman was sitting under a bare Rose of Sharon looking up intently. A few mintues later, with the help of a flashlight, we found the mouse he had "treed." And a big one at that. Curled around the branch and hanging on for dear life, he was about the size of a tennis ball. We tried to coax Newman into the house, but even the promise of canned cat food, (which he gets every morning about that time,) was no match for a live mouse to play with. I'm not sure how long he sat out there before he gave up. I went to bed!
Don't feel bad, I've been killing roaches as well, and I would do so again when they invade the house, but everybug else who's not eating my food or spreading diseases I'm ok with.
Richard is right about usefulness of wasps and when they get a nuisance. I think everyone of my family has been stung at least once but lucky no ones allergic, and despite it even the kids keep calm, when they come in and want to take out our barbecue.
Funniest thing about wasps I've ever seen was three grown men repairing a rain pipe standing on a scaffold which wasnt set properly as the were trying to hurry the thing. When the wasp started surrounding the first one he began to run and hitting air so the scaffold got into motion, one guy got down quickly the other one was trapped behind the fighter, who now was trying to get rid of the wasp with a piece of cloth hitting thin air again, and becaus of all the comotion he couldn't get forward to the ladder. Now the last one tried to grab the cloth to fight the wasp but the other one wouldn't let go all the while shouting like war broke out and the scaffold swinging more and more.
Somehow they all ended up safely on the ground the wasp long gone but all of them sweating and panting. Then they fixed the scaffold ...
A bit rusged so it's not as goos as I'd hoped, but ...
It looks good to me SimonJM, maybe you should run.
Looks good to me, too!
Looks great SimonJM , I agree DeeLeeLaw.
@L'Adair Great scene and clever idea.
@Linwelly Very creative, good work on pose and expression.
@nattaruk Cool, didn't know that poem!
@Llola Lane Tea? which one?Very good image.
@SimonJM she looks dangerous. Give her that killer look!
I was doing my render at the same time @L'Adair did hers. Unfortunately I didn't have time to do another one so here we go :