Need scars.

I'll try to explain this as thoroughly as I can, so please read through.
I've searched and found "Wound makeup for iray/3delight"
I've also seen a set that was specifically designed for Genesis 2 or 3 male.
I've seen "LIE" wound effects.
Most I see makeup-type effects that lay on top of the skin without depth. Description for products might indicate more realism, but there's no photo to prove it. As I'm working on a pretty limited budget, I want to make sure I grab what I need for what I'm working on now. While I can find a use for anything eventually, I'd like to improve my book covers by doing them myself.
Mostly what I see in reference photos are fresh-looking wounds.
I need scars. Some serious scars, across the face, of the sort that would deform it slightly. Not fresh, either. I need puckered flesh I can apply to a shoulder. Plainly, I need some realistic-looking scarring, not the makeup effects.
I suspect modeling will need to be involved which will certainly impact my working time as that is a skill I don't really have honed. I'm hoping there's a product available somewhere. Maybe some kind of morphing pack, or 3-dimensional skin material or something that will produce some more pronounced scarring. Right now I'm "hiding" the scarred area for the one character, but for the other... I'd really like to not put her whole face behind a wall of hair.
Scenario: This character was slashed across her face with a broken bottle. Very livid scars, including a bit of split to her eyelid and lip. At the time of the book, they are well-healed.
I'd like to do a new cover and some illustrations to use in promotional images. I've got zero photoshop skill, and I'm hoping to be able to handle this without turning to an artist. I can if I need to, but at that point I'd probably only be able to afford to do the cover art.
Hopefully more folks will find my books and I can afford to just try everything out there. I'm hoping something here will work, and I'm hoping someone has done something similiar with it so I have a good example to go by. I couldn't figure out it out from the product photos on the product page.
I'm not afraid to kitbash. I'm not afriad to open up a texture in Gimp. I'd just like to be able to get the project done soonest - and the biggest handicap is (unfortunately) money. So purchasing a product that won't do what I need pushes the entire project out for another 30 days. If I need modeling work done, then I'd like to know that now so I can make the appropirate requests and sock away the appropriate funds.
I'm loving Daz. When I got started in it October 23rd, I thought I'd just be using it to pass the time. Now I've got several hundred hours into it and my confidence it up. I'm always up for learning new tricks and such. I not so good at painting flat, either on canvas or on the computer. Recoloring something isn't so hard, but sitting down to create an image from scratch? My brain isn't really wired that way. Give me a miniature and some paint and I can do really badass paint jobs. Give me a pencil and I'll either give you stick figures or bluprints. My freehand sucks. I have some nerve issues that take away the necessary motor control.
Links to products are fine, but please understand that an attached example will be much more appreciated. I've been through the catalog so many times now, I've flipped throught he pictures. I need some help with the purchasing decision, or the info to know that I need modeling work done.
Thank you for the help
I have a character that has burn scars, among other things, and realistic scars are difficult. For cut scars, you have a couple of characters that have them, with a mixture of texture and morph work. (example: but I'm not sure if something like this is what you had in mind.
There's two things you need to be aware of: the render engine you use and the resources you have available (computerwise). When you want to create something that is "outstanding", the render engines react very differently to the bump/normal/displacement maps you create. For example, 3delight is very good when it comes to create multiple deep scars from a single polygone surface, while Iray needs actual underlying polygones to give beter depth, which means you'll have to use higher subdivision, or a higher polygone model to begin with, to achieve the same effect. Higher subdivision uses more system resources, and that can lead to your render either crashing or dropping out of your graphic card's vRAM.
Here you can see a self-made attempt of a scar in Iray that uses bump and displacement. You hardly can tell the lifted areas.
Sadly, my computers doesn't use the vRam at all in renders. It's entirely AMD based. Built it before I started using Daz, and that was by only a month.
Something to play with, then.