Dirty Denim destroyed and dirty textures don't work in Poser?
Hi guys!
I created Poser Companion Files for the Dirty Denim jeans, and they work great, as do their base textures. Nut none of the destroyed or dirty textures work at all. Any idea why? Do they use LIE presets or some other DS specific technique that doesn't translate to Poser?
Check the material room and see if the textures/transmaps transferred over.
Actually I did take a quick peek in the material room once and I know the matrrials was missing because the display there was white, just like the jeans when I try applying the textures.
Also I just remembered that during one of my test renders which used Freak 5, when the render calculaled the SSS for Freak 5, I saw the shadows from where I assume where the transmaps were being applied. So it may just be the textures that are missing, not the transmaps..
If there's no image map node going to the diffuse then yea it's missing the texture. Just plug it in and see how it looks.
I can only help with the advanced tab in the mat room if you need it. I've never even used basic. lol
Thanks. Now I have to figure out where the textures are stored, because I bet if I can find them, I can fix the problem.
Runtime\Textures. Chances are under Sickleyield.
The base textures have five different image maps plugged into various nodes. For the Dirty and Destroyed textures, the waistband displays properly and has the five necessary texture nodes, but the body of the jeans only has the bump map plugged in. I don't understand what would cause that. I'll try the conversion one more time.
If you have DS anyways, just load the pants/textures in DS, check out the surface zones, and just manually create the image_map nodes and plug them in where needed with the appropriate maps. Bump/displacement nodes will need a math node set to Subtract and .5 between the Poser Surface and Image_Map nodes, though. This is only necessary when taking DS optimized bump/disp textures into Poser.