How to make custom clothes fit and resize for other Gen 8 figures?
Hi. Having a first go at making clothes and have looked at a many youtubes and forum posts. I have one problem which I don't see dealt with anywhere. Pls see steps:-
1. Exported Gen 8 base figure to blender
2. Made garment (pants) based on Gen 8 base in blender
3. Exported pants (.obj) and imported to Daz (4.10) to a scene with another Gen 8 figure which is much smaller/skinier than the base
4. Orientation and position was wrong so I rotated and transformed the pants to a rough fit position over the figure
5. Used the transfer utility to transfer the pants to the figure - had no options in projection template so used None and all other defaults except set the content type to Pants (see attachment)
I have never understood how the auto resizing works in Daz but was hoping that the transfer would trigger a resize??? but not. It returned the pants to the location they were when first imported (before rotate and transform). No resize was done.
I can see lots of tips showing how to use Autofit but it looks like this can only be applied when applying an item from the content and don't see any way to run autofit for an imported clothing .obj.
Is the issue something to do with the import not placing the item correctly in the scene or am I missing an important step?
Any help appreciated.

Try using the unmorphed G8 figure with the Transfer Utility i.e. not smaller/skinnier than the base. After the garment is fitted, then morph the figure to be smaller/skinnier.
Thanks Andya. Tried that too after posting. I get the same issue when trying to transfer the item on to Gen 8 base figure i.e. The pants return to the position where they were originally imported i.e. away from the figure (floor level) with the wrong rotation.
OK problem solved. Solution here for anyone looking....
Re-exported the clothing in the correct position and imported so it comes in as a fit for Gen 8. Transfer utility then seems to succeed as pant is parented to the figure which was not happening before. Then saved as a preset and applied to other Gen 8 figure and resizes correctly.
show the blender screen in object mode with pants selected and the properties tool shelf open showing the transforms