trouble with purchase packages

in New Users
hello Im just learning how to use the software. I made a couple of purchases and cant get seem to get them to work. I bought breast factory for gen8 and was able to get it imported but when I click on the morph my character pose changes but the size and shape of her breasts do not. I also bought the booty morph which is behaving the same way. Any help would be appreciated
How did you install? I suspect you did so manually, and have asset files (.dsf files in the Data folder) showing in the content pane, which would not be correct - the Data folder from the zip would need to merge with the existing daat folder in your content directory (e.g. My Library).
Richard..thanks for the response. I just purchased it and it gave me a DL link. I saved it as a zipped file in a folder with a good path. I go into daz content library tab and it’s there. I didn’t really do anything to install. It shows thumbnails of a character holding a large breast for example. When I click that thumbnail my character will assume that position but the breast itself dies not change...she holds her hand the proper distance from the body to accommodate that size breast. The breast itself is just not tgere
What is the full path in the content library, starting from Daz Studio Formats, to the files you are loading? Are you sure the set includes morphs and that it doesn't require a different set of morphs to work?
Daz studio formats
my library
thats where I get thumbnails
Everything in the breastfactoryG8F folder should be taken out and placed in the My Library folder, where it will merge (if you are on Windows) with the existing folders. If you are a Mac user you will have to find the tools that will merge folders, rather than repalcing them, or you will have to carefully move stuff without replacing the existing stuff - for example, taking the data/daz 3d/genesis 8/female/morphs/powerage/breastfactoryG8f folder and placing it in My Library/data/daz 3d/genesis 8/morphs/powerage.
yes Im sorry when I first explained how I imported I left off the list that I did infact extract all contents from the zip and put it in my library folder. I just pulled it out and put it back in and that worked thank you. However Im still having the same issue with the booty morph. Both were created by, purcgased and downloaded from the same place and I followed all the same steps. I appreciate your help. Im sorry to be so needy haha
How are the foldrs for that arranged/ make sure you haven't ended up with a My Library or My Daz 3d Library folder inside the My Library folder - that can easily happen.