LAMH 2 Iray Catalyzer Does Not Show Up

I purchased LAMH 2 Iray Catalyzer long ago and it used to be visible in DS. I even had a tab for it set up. At some point the tab disappeared - don't know when -  and now I cannot find or access it.

It is not in my DS Window/Tabs even though the DIM indicates it is installed.

I even went into the DIM and uninstalled it and reinstalled it and nothing.

I rebooted - nothing.

I uninstalled, reinstalled and rebooted - nothing.

Can anybody tell me how to get this thing to show up so I can use it?

I can put in a help ticket but will have to wait until Monday for any help. ;-)


  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,552

    Does it show in the list on the "About Installed Plugins" popup with a green plug icon? (Menu -> Help -> About Installed Plugins) Maybe you need to re-enter the serial number.

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Hi NorthOf45.

    Good idea. Hadn't thought of that.

    I looked and strangely it is not even on the list.

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,552

    Then it is not installed properly, or installed in the wrong place somehow. In DIM, filter on "Catalyzer" so you don't have to go looking for it. The product should show in the "Installed" tab. Right click on the file and select "Show Installed Files..." There should be two sections of files listed as blue underlined hyperlinks:

    DAZ Studio 4.5, 4.x Public Build, 4.x Private Build :
    /docs/... (6 files)
    /plugins/... (1 file)

    DAZ Studio 4.5, 4.x Public Build, 4.x Private Build (64-bit) :
    /plugins/... (1 file)

    If the section is empty, it didn't install properly. If that is the case, it wouldn't show in the "Installed" tab (probably the "Ready to Install" tab) if you have restarted or refreshed DIM since your last attempt. Try again, ensuring Studio is not running, which would interfere with the process.

    If files are shown, make sure that they are in the proper folder, with Daz Studio. That is set in the DIM settings dialog on the Applications tab. Unless you've changed something, that should be where the plugins go.

  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Hi Again.

    Here is what I am getting:


    831 x 462 - 66K
    830 x 251 - 39K
    501 x 533 - 42K
    507 x 536 - 78K
  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,552

    From the last picture, the plugin appears to be installed twice. Not sure if they are in the same place, or in the correct place. The .dll is what actually loads in Studio, so click each one in the Installed Files dialog (that will open a File Explorer window) to see if they go to the same folder. At least one of them should be in the plugins folder under the one in the Applications path for DAZ Studio in DIM Setup (i.e., C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins).

    Not sure how Studio will react to having two instances detected, if in fact it can see more than one. It might only look at the one where DIM says it should be, or maybe the path was changed for one of the two, and it sees both. If you uninstall Catalyzer, does it still show any Installed files? When there is an update (for any product) the as-yet-uninstalled package on the "Ready to Install" tab will show previously installed files and new package files with the right-click menu.

    (This part might be getting too far ahead, but try it if it is the case.) If there is a second instance of the plugin in another folder, it would probably be a good idea to remove it. Was it ever installed manually, or did you change the path for plugins (the Applications path) at any point? If it was installed with DIM somewhere else, change the Application path to the second location (above the plugin folder), install Catalyser and uninstall it again. This should overwrite and then get rid of the second one. Then, change the application path back to where it should be, then install Catalyzer again. This time there should only be one instance in the proper place. If not, well, we'll see...


  • DarkElfDarkElf Posts: 505

    Sorry NorthOf45, as usual I was not notified of your last reply and I forgot to check.

    I do appreciate your willingness to help. And you are correct. When I got help from DAZ Help we found it was installed twice. I had to get rid of the one installed on my C: drive and then it worked.

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