Head Morph Eyebrow help
I am trying to release a character for M4 but the head morph failed testing. Me and another vendor are collaberating and he doesnt know whats wrong either. He is the one making the inj poses.I was wonder can anyone help? The eyebrow seems to be the problem.
Thank you.
What exactly is it doing?
Jutting out. I will post a pic
That seems to be a picture of the file structure.
ah ok sorry. lol
Here is the screenshot of my problem.
Looks like your inj pose may be turning on the visibility of M4's brow prop, which is normally hidden unless it's being used.
Thanks for your reply. Any ideas how I can fix it?
When saving the inj in Poser, use the Select Subset button to uncheck the eyebrow portion, that way the visibility state of it isn't saved within the inj pose.
ok thanks Vaskania, I will check it out. :)
Actually I may be wrong. I double checked with other morphs I've got, and whether the brow prop is off or on doesn't do this.
yes I was thinking that. I wonder what I can do?
Not sure, hopefully someone else knows. I can't even get it to do that with my own morphs (using the obj from geometries). The only way I'm seeing even a hint of the eyebrows, is if the specular and highlight size and everything is on white and cranked up in the mat room (on the brow zone), but even then, the brow prop conforms and wraps with the morph, not sticks out the way yours looks like it's doing.
i can send you the head morph if you would like to try? Actually If anyone has any ideas I can send the head morph :)
Sure. Upload it somewhere and either PM me the link or paste it here, whichever.
Ok. Loaded up M4, spawned the morph target based on your OBJ file, flipped on the brow prop, and everything looks fine on my end.
(from here, personally, I would save the CR2 with binary morphs on, then use Binary Morph Editor to create the inj/rem scripts with the PMD data saved right to the inj/rem files, but that's just my personal workflow)
I went a step further and did my inj/rem creation just to test and it works fine. It seems to be something in whatever whichever one of you is doing, since I'm working from the same morphed obj as you.
Hi Vaskania, Thanks for your help.
I am the vendor helping out 3dali with this character and just wanted to confirm the issue is not with the head morph per se.
The INJ is not making the eyebrow visible, I think the tester is turning on visibility manually and are pointing out the fact it does not conform to the head morph.
We need to figure out a way to get the eyebrow part following the curves of the head morph.
I have never known this be an issue with characters in testing before but I believe that is what we are up against now
You will have to create a morph for the brow, it's a separate body part so if you are working in Poser you will need a separate OBJ for it and use ERC to slave it to the head morph, or make both part of the same FBM.
Thanks Richard. I have created the morphs for the brows now but when I add the info to the INJ file it doesn't apply in Poser. How do you "slave" it like you suggested.
I am using custom morphs if that is important.
Thanks Guys for your help! Yes Richard let us know how we can "Slave" it to the head morph.
If you are just using Poser you will need to hand-edit the PZ2 files to add the ERC link from head to brow, or from FBM to brow.
Note that you need the internal name, not the label that appears on the dial. That goes in an ERC file if you are following the basic ExP spec, or if you are doing an all-in-one pose it goes just before the indexes and numdeltas lines.
Why is the tester turning on the eyebrow prop to test your morph? It will NEVER conform to anything but the default M4 because the prop does not have any morphs to conform to. You don't even include the eyebrow prop in exporting the head to even make a morph, unless you want a vertex order issue when you try to import it back. This is similar to having to make a fit pose for the gens because the gens only have a limited set of conforming morphs and if you use any morphs other than what's in the gens, you have to manually adjust the position. It's very rare that you'd find eyebrow textures for the male anyway, that's why it was eliminated with Genesis. I'd bet if you look at any other custom head morph on that site, you'd see the same issues with other M4s that's actually made it into the store.
As your texture already has eyebrows and you have not enabled visibility on the eyebrow prop, I'd ask the tester exactly why he's testing whether a static eyebrow prop without morphs is conforming to a custom head morph where a texture with eyebrows is already being provided.
It sounds like a bit waste of time on both your parts, and something the tester shouldn't even be looking for.
Thanks Richard,
If I am doing it all in one file. I have the INJ for the head that works.. then I add in the lines you provided just before "indexes" and "numdeltas" then change the "head:1" to "eyeBrow" ?
Where does the delta info for the eyebrow morph go?
Why is the tester turning on the eyebrow prop to test your morph? It will NEVER conform to anything but the default M4 because the prop does not have any morphs to conform to. You don't even include the eyebrow prop in exporting the head to even make a morph, unless you want a vertex order issue when you try to import it back. This is similar to having to make a fit pose for the gens because the gens only have a limited set of conforming morphs and if you use any morphs other than what's in the gens, you have to manually adjust the position. It's very rare that you'd find eyebrow textures for the male anyway, that's why it was eliminated with Genesis. I'd bet if you look at any other custom head morph on that site, you'd see the same issues with other M4s that's actually made it into the store.
As your texture already has eyebrows and you have not enabled visibility on the eyebrow prop, I'd ask the tester exactly why he's testing whether a static eyebrow prop without morphs is conforming to a custom head morph where a texture with eyebrows is already being provided.
It sounds like a bit waste of time on both your parts, and something the tester shouldn't even be looking for.
I know, I have never had a tester check this before. I have other characters that I have bought with custom head morphs that do not have eybrows that "fit". I have asked the question but as yet have no reply.
No, the eyebrow is a body part so it needs a block just like the head's, but with its own deltas, and that's where the ERC code goes linking to the head morph.
Strange. As you can see in my earlier screenshot, I enabled the brows on purpose and still don't get the problem your tester is describing. :ohh:
Strange. As you can see in my earlier screenshot, I enabled the brows on purpose and still don't get the problem your tester is describing. :ohh:
Same for me. Its weird :/
Hope we can do something soon :)
My only other suggestion is to tell your tester that it's not being reproduced and find out what exactly they're doing that it shows up, although like MM said above, no idea why they're testing the brow prop on a morph that doesn't have a browless texture.
yes we asked the tester just waiting on a reply :)