Daz to Blender best way to get "realistic" looking skin textures

in New Users
I need to take a model from Daz to Blender and do some heavy mesh editing. I'll probably leave it there instead of re-importing it back into Daz. The problem is that the textures that are exported are only in .jpg format and i only have diffuse textures to work with. So the model wont look nearly as good as it does in a Daz render.
So what are my options from here? do i need to get something like Substance Painter? . I've seen a few tutorials on how to create normal and maybe spec maps out of diffuse maps. Is this possible with GIMP with the .jpgs that get exported with Daz models?
The maps are in jpg, usually, but you can find them in the Runtime/Textures folder for the character you are using and apply them to the relevant channels in Blender. You could also look at Casual's free Teelblender script, which I think carries over more material info than OBJ.
Your best option is learning how to set up shaders in Blender. Your second best option is trying to find some available Blender shaders that are close enough for the purpose and plugging the texture maps for your figures into those.
Richard, I was looking for those earlier but i didnt check the runtime folders, so i'll check that out. I'll also look into Casuals script.
@Ascania I know that i need to set up shaders. But the problem i'm having is my figure only exported out of Daz with the diffuse maps. I need the normal and specular maps too. I'm going to follow up on Richards advice and see if i can find it through there.
Which model? Does it actually have image maps in the normal and specular channels or does it use shaders there? And even if they are not exported, they are still available from the DAZ content folders where they have been installed.