Genesis 8 Eye Anatomy

What is the surface that is outermost of the eye surfaces on Genesis 8? I would think it was the Cornea, but there must be another surface on top of the Cornea. I have turned off Eye Moisture; so that's not it.

You see, I'm using an HDR that has enough white in it to cause the eyes to render cloudy/milky, but everything else in the scene looks so good, I'd rather not switch the HDR if I can find a workaround for the eyes. The Cornea renders clear---I think---because when I increase Cornea Bulge enough, half (or so) of the eye renders clear, and when I decrease Cornea Bulge to nil, then the whole eye goes back to cloudy.

Is there a diagram somewhere?


  • TZORGTZORG Posts: 148

    Turning off all transparency and setting colors it appears to be both Eye Moisture and Cornea as outermost. Eye Moisture over the whites and Cornea over iris etc.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,057

    Thanks, @TZORG, perhaps I left the Refraction on the Eye Moisture surface, and it remained visible even though I turned off the Opacity (or whatever Iray calls that parameter).

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