Ron's Items

I'm interested in some of the 'Ron's' products (Ron's Fusion, etc), but they all seem to be Photoshop brushes. Will they work in Gimp?


  • I believe I just saw a tutorial which stated that .abr files do indeed load into GIMP. An old video but I saw this recently  . I would like to find a decent/indepth tutorial on using his brushes, particualry the Condensation pack on skin but it seems very difficult to find. I use Photoshop quite extensively, but have never had call to use custom brushes before, but I have seen the results and they look amazing. During a recent sale I think I cleared the store out, but now I need to find out how best to use them.

  • Also - Just ran into this thread (not sure if it helps) whilst looking for advice on tutorials ;

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,536

    I think it depends on the item.  Some do but others do not.

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