what speed of computer needed to run DAZ software

I am buying a new computer I would like to purchase one that'll run DAZ software program


  • The only advise I can give you is to get a motherboard that can fit 2 or more video card and get 2x NVIDIA 1070. They are going down in price so much, I can get one used for 325$ (canadian), so for the price of one of the latest card, you will get more render power and if you ever want to upgrade, you will still be able to have multiple cards.

  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,253

    It'll run on less... a lot depends on what you want to do eg. learn modelling, make relatively small pictures for the web, make small movies or large graphics for billboards that you submit to an ad adgency etc.

    The bigger pictures you want, the more digital models in the scene, the special effects - glass and water, the more complex the lights, the more you'll be wanting to send your stuff to outside agencies for printing and so on, the more processing power, RAM and video RAM will be needed.

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,128

    Better; Faster; Cheaper: Choose Two,

  • LenioTGLenioTG Posts: 2,118

    You should tell your budget, and for what else you're going to use your PC! ^^

    To know where you're from could be useful too, since in America the prices are much lower

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